NSF Seeking SBIRs addressing COVID-19
CDC Covid-19

NSF Seeking SBIRs addressing COVID-19

NSF is Seeking SBIR/STTR applications addressing COVID-19. Small businesses are invited to submit Phase I proposals focused on the development and deployment of new technologies, products, processes, and services with the potential to positively impact the nation’s and world’s ability to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. Areas of research that might be considered include, but are not limited to: artificial intelligence, digital health, diagnostics, distributed ledger, environmental technologies, medical devices, pharmaceutical technologies, disinfection and sterilization, and filtration and separations. (See Dear Colleague Letter NSF 20-065). https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20065/nsf20065.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click

When submitting the required NSF Project Pitch:

  • Select “COVID-19” as the SBIR/STTR topic area on the Project Pitch form
  • Reference the word “COVID-19” and this Dear Colleague Letter (NSF 20-065) in the “Describe the Technology/Innovation” field.

NSF is committed to expediting review, with the hope of awards within six weeks of proposal receipt. BBCetc is available to help with your Project Pitch and full proposal preparation with a rapid turn-around time.


