The Social Stock Exchange segment (SSE) on NSE provides Social Enterprises (Non-profit organizations (NPOs) and For-profit enterprises (FPEs) engaged in eligible activities a unique opportunity to register itself and raise funds on a recognized exchange platform.

Key benefits of Social Stock Exchange

Improved market access: SSE will facilitate a common and a structured meeting ground between Social Enterprises and investors/donors with inbuilt regulation for providing sanctity and accountability of finances.

Synergy between investors and investee in social aims: In view of flexibility of investments and capital that would be available on SSE, the canvas of choice would be much wider allowing investors and investees with similar missions and visions to connect seamlessly.

Performance based philanthropy: Performance of the enterprises listed on SSE would be monitored thus it will instill a culture of performance (Social return) driven philanthropy.

Minimal Registration Cost: SSE saves cost for both issuer and investor/donor by charging minimal fees for registration and listing.

Additional avenue for Social Enterprises: Central and State governments till date have the biggest onus of achieving sustainable development goals. SSE will provide an alternate avenue for raising funds thereby encouraging new and existing social enterprises.

Eligibility Condition for being identified as Social Enterprises:

A.????? Revenue:

At least 67% of the immediately preceding 3-year average of revenues comes from providing eligible activities to members of the target population

B.????? Expenditure:

At least 67%of the immediately preceding 3-year average of expenditures has been incurred for providing eligible activities to members of the target population

C.????? Beneficiaries:

Members of the target population to whom the eligible activities have been provided constitute at least 67% of the immediately preceding 3 year average of the total customer base/ beneficiaries

List of eligible activities for demonstrating primacy of social impact

a.?????? Eradicating hunger, poverty malnutrition and inequality

b.????? promoting health care (including mental health) and sanitation; and making available safe drinking water

c.?????? Promoting education, employability and livelihoods

d.????? Promoting gender equality, empowerment of women and LGBTQIA+ communities

e.?????? Ensuring environmental sustainability, addressing climate change (mitigation and adaptation), forest and wildlife conservation

f.??????? Protection of national heritage, art and culture

g.?????? Training to promote rural sports, nationally recognized sports, Paralympic sports and Olympic sports

h.????? Supporting incubators of social enterprises

i.???????? Supporting other platforms that strengthen the non-profit ecosystem in fundraising and capacity building

j.???????? Promoting livelihoods for rural and urban poor, including enhancing income of small and marginal farmers and workers in the non-farm sector

k.?????? Slum area development, affordable housing3 , and other interventions to build sustainable and resilient cities

l.???????? Disaster management, including relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities

m.??? Promotion of financial inclusion

n.????? Facilitating access to land and property assets for disadvantaged communities

o.????? Bridging the digital divide5 in internet and mobile phone access, addressing issues of misinformation and data protection

p.????? Promoting welfare of migrants and displaced persons

q.????? any other area as identified by the Board or Government of India from time to time

In conclusion, the establishment of the Social Stock Exchange (SSE) on the NSE marks a significant milestone in facilitating impactful investment avenues. By providing a structured platform for both social enterprises and investors, SSE promotes accountability, fosters synergistic relationships, and incentivizes performance-driven philanthropy. With minimal registration costs and a wide array of eligible activities focusing on social impact, SSE not only supports the growth of social enterprises but also aids in addressing pressing societal challenges. It stands as a testament to the collaborative efforts towards achieving sustainable development goals and fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.

Team Associated Chartered

New Delhi | Mumbai | Bengaluru

Associated Chartered | CS Lokesh H. Vats | CS Rachna Kabthiyal


