The EC2024 had excellent start and it is very much the dream team for #EU37 but the first real test of how positive the new EU leadership will be now is the long overdue start of EU Negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. Albania is already 10 year in NATO! And North Macedonia settled the issues with Greece and is already since December 2005 EU Candidate Country! Since 2005! Estonia was still inside Soviet Union in 1991 and joined EU in 2004. Less time than Macedonia is already Candidate! And North Macedonia has made amazing reforms both on economics from 2006 and 2016 and now for 3 years in Rule of Law and Democracy. Albania is behind and politics always conflictions and confrontation but is anybody believing delaying EU accession will improve anything? Only inside EU tempers and passions will cool and so now let us see if Iron Lady UDL will be able to deliver or she is part of Macrons Euro Nationalism excluding everybody from EU that might anger Russia and block the self-declared peace maker to falling into the trap of peace offers by Russia on the back of fragile Balkans and Eastern Europe dealing only to ever more confrontation later down the time line when Russia extends its power again and people between Russia and EU won’t allow this to happen. Only inside NATO and EU Eastern Europe and with it all EU can find our peace with Russia based on clear security guarantees by USA and EU and within the EU political and financial and regulatory framework Eastern Europe can be so secure and developed to be ready for a reboot with Russia later once Russia join the democratic and free world again.