Now is Zero Time - Time is Immaterial Mathematical Abstraction Not a Physical Object

The past has already occurred, it is finished, complete, done, over (never to be repeated). The present is occurring, current, now. The future is possible, potential, or probability; future has not occurred (past) and is not occurring (present).


The past and present (now) are necessarily certain. The future is necessarily uncertain.


The past is tautologically certain. Whatever detail you could arbitrarily select from the record of the past, that detail was necessarily tautologically exactly itself, exactly some specific state condition of itself the instant it physically began to exist, whether we ever knew or whether we remember exactly what that was or not. The past is a-posterior, which means after ontological-exist begins, but not now, not the present. ?


The present = now is tautologically certain, because as it occurs it occurs in exactly some way, whether we know what that way is or not. Epistemological-know is information about what ontologically does exist. Ontological-exist is independent of our epistemological knowledge of it. ?


Now is zero-priori, exactly where and when a-priori turns into a-posterior, but there is neither a-priori nor a-posteriori in now. Now is neither a-priori nor a-posteriori because now is a-temporal, which means literally independent of time: there is zero time in now, there is zero past in now, there is zero future in now, there is zero duration in now. Now is perpetual reconfiguration of our whole physical universe live organism (GAIA).


Physical-exist is a-posteriori, after ontological physical begins and after empirical observation is possible, because empirical observation means nothing if there is nothing physical to observe.


Immaterial superconsciousness is a-priori, before physical existence and before empirical observation of physical begins. Superconsciousness is necessarily a-priori, because something must exist to cause physical to begin to exist, because everything physical exists with beginning and everything with a beginning must be caused to begin.


There is no physical uncertainty, precisely because the past and now are tautologically certain.? Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is a description of epistemological knowledge about ontological physical state conditions. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is not with reference to intrinsic ontological physical state conditions. The uncertainty principle states that there is a limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum, can be simultaneously known and precisely mathematically described; it does not say that specific position and momentum do not actually exist. In fact, it is certain that specific positions and momentum did exist in the past and do exist now, but we are epistemologically limited in what we can know about those state conditions, when we can know it, and by what method we can gain that knowledge (for instance mathematical calculations of probabilities, limit calculus, Euclidean geometry, etc.). Uncertainty about the past or about the present (now) is strictly limited to our epistemological knowledge of potentiality and actuality, not intrinsic to ontological physical actuality.


Time does not do anything, time is not an agent, for instance time does not cause anything, time does not move, flow, or propagate. The one-way arrow of time is a metaphor, not literal, not actually physical. All metaphors are abstractions, all abstractions are immaterial objects not physical objects. Metaphors are created by ego consciousness.


Time does not flow from the past. The past is not an agent, the past is not active, the past does not do anything because it is over, finished, complete, done. Past time is a metaphor, simply a record of information describing that something happened in a sequence of relations between physical objects and events that did exist and did occur. Did exist and did occur is independent of our epistemological knowledge about exist and occur. What did exist and what did occur is not in any way affected by whether humans have knowledge that something did exist or did occur. Yes, a tree falling in the forest makes a sound whether any conscious being was there to witness the event.


The past is knowable, but memory is short, and records are notoriously inconsistent and incomplete because: 1) Records are descriptions of something, not the thing being described, and all descriptions are subject to errors. 2) For some objects and events there are no records other than individual memories. 3) If records do exist, they may be corrupted by unintentional human errors. 4) Records may be corrupted by intentional deception. 5) Records may intentionally be used for some purpose other than truth. 6) Records, even if they exist, and even if they are accurate, are still subject to misinterpretation by ego consciousness malfunction and intentional deceit.


Now is zero time, exactly the perpetually reconfigured present moment without duration, where past turns into future, but with neither past nor future in it, analogous to zero as a placeholder on a number line exactly where negative quantity turns into positive quantity, but with neither negative nor positive in it. Now is appearance only with no substance. Now is the real illusion. It is certain that any object with zero duration is not substantial. The whole physical universe live organism (GAIA) is the real illusion because past is over, future is not yet, and now has zero duration, therefore the whole physical universe is appearance only without substance = the real illusion.


Nuclide is the generic term for an atom with some number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. Isotope is one of many possible nuclides (atoms) and each one has a unique number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, for instance caesium has 41 known isotopes. Stable nuclides are nuclides that are not radioactive and so (unlike radionuclides) they do not spontaneously undergo radioactive decay.


Caesium-133 (133Cs) is the only stable?isotope?of the caesium atom. Stable means the isotope is not radioactive which means 133Cs atoms do not spontaneously undergo radioactive decay. That stability permits defining real clock time by normalizing the 133Cs frequency to equal the integer 1 and that becomes the mathematically precise definition of a unit of time named one second. Real clock time is an invention of ego consciousness with specific reference to the perpetual physical reconfiguration (frequency) of a ceasium-133 atom.


The isotope symbol of the nonradioactive fission product cesium-133 is 133Cs. The two common spellings are cesium (English USA) and caesium (IUPAC = International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry).


Ego consciousness quantizes time with standardized units. For instance, real clock time is seconds, minutes, and hours. Real calendar time is days, weeks, months, and years.


“The?SI base unit?of time, the?second, is defined by a?specific caesium-133 transition. The second, symbol s, is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the caesium frequency,?ΔνCs, the unperturbed ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of the caesium-133 atom,?to be?9192631770?when expressed in the unit?Hz, which is equal to s?1.” Wikipedia “Caesium”


Virtual imaginary mathematical time is quantized with the standard unit imaginary i. The Wick Rotation involves substituting an imaginary-number variable for a real-number variable. The Wick Rotation is the mathematical operation of multiplying imaginary i = √-1 and time, for instance: t ? i is normalized to equal one unit of imaginary mathematical time and that unit is not one second of real clock time, rather it is one unit of imaginary time.


All mathematics is abstract. All quantization is abstraction. All abstractions are immaterial not physical objects. Time abstraction permits records of past events and the organization of civilization, for instance planning future events, say a baseball game or work schedules, etc. The Wick Rotation permits combining time units with distance units. For example, lightyear combines speed of light (a physical motion = momentum variable) with distance, say miles (a physical location variable). Lightyear is literally a record of the past, for instance light originating in our distant past, has taken some number of years travelling at the speed of light limit to reach us on planet Earth from across the vast distances of emptiness enclosed within the spherical space boundary of our whole physical universe live organism.


Time is an immaterial abstraction, not a physical object. Only immaterial ego consciousness is capable of inventing abstractions. All abstractions are immaterial (not physical). All abstractions are descriptions of something else. The description of something is never the thing described; the menu is not the meal. Time is an abstract description of something else, and that something else is duration of the physical frequency of the physical caesium-133 atom.


Now is perpetually reconfigured real = exist + true = the real illusion. Now is the perpetual reconfiguration of the total set of generic [interactions/relations/observations] between the total set of elements (= members) of the whole universe live organism object: GAIA. Time is the human technological invention that permits keeping records of now, which is not only useful, but also actually necessary, because now has no duration in it. Without time records we could not have any hope of remembering and learning from our past. Without time we could hardly plan for anything in the future. Time is an extremely useful invention (mathematical abstraction) created by human ego consciousness.

Secret Cosmos | Al Link | Substack


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