Now who is agitating violence?
Dr Jim Gschwind, PhD
Now THIS PRESIDENT with his vast knowledge of the constitution (sarcasm…), is inciting riots with his statements.?Now we can probably see the militant arm of the Democratic party take to the streets (BLM, Jane revenge, ANTIFA).??The “usual suspects” will take to the streets just as they did during their “summer of love” which was ignored by the Justice Department and Democratic congressmen and women.?These folks have been blinded and lied to by their leaders.?Nobody is going without an abortion!?Vote for your LOCAL state representatives to change state laws.?I can imagine the future where organizations pay for mileage etc. for those who are in a non- abortion state to go to a “safe-haven” state to get their abortions.?I can also imagine that the “abortion pill” will eventually be available as common as condoms.?It was available since year 2000 and now at least 54 percent of all abortions are done in the home with the “pill”.
Once again Trump is being blamed.?It seems that Trump lives insides the heads of all the extreme leftists and they are constantly obsessed with him even though he isn’t in public service now.?Say his name and their hair is on fire and lightning bolts come out of their eyes.?If he cured cancer the left would say he put many Oncologists out of work.
The court did what the founding fathers intended them to do.?They looked and scrutinized the constitution just as you and I can do and found that nowhere in that document does it ENUMERATE abortion as a right of the federal government.?I even used a magnifying glass to see if it was hidden in the margins. Since they didn’t find it as an ENUMERATED RIGHT, they had no choice but to return that right to legislate to the states.
Let’s get this straight folks......the left is going to use this as a campaign item because they have NOTHING else to run on, ?Remember.....congress CANNOT change this, the ruling specifically says that since abortion is NOT an ENUMERATED right under the constitution it rightfully belongs to state legislatures to determine......It's NOT FEDERAL OFFICE candidates no matter how much they campaign on's LOCAL VOTING for you state assembly/legislature. So, to change this it's either a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT as Judge Alito suggested or vote for pro-abortion local legislators. Pres was wrong to say congress can do anything because anything they do will be struck down as "unconstitutional". Get it?
I only looked at it from a scholarly approach not an emotional one.?I will leave the rest up to you and remember I love all of you no matter how you feel about the subject…..I will not be egged into an emotional argument which serves no purpose at all.
God bless….God bless American
I remain your humble servant