Now What?
It is easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged by everything going on. Don't! Evil wins when good goes silent. We are in a very dangerous time. We can work to make a lot of changes for the better as we recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. Make no mistake, this is going to be a long painful process. Vaccines are months away if they are even possible. The way I see it, we cannot rebuild a better economy until we have got the pandemic under control. Returning to work, school and life as it was before and risking your very life is not a good choice. I'm no health expert, so I don't know what or how long it will take to defeat covid-19. I do know our government's current plan of reopening everything and hoping the virus "just goes away" is utter madness. 140,000+ dead and this is the best they can come up with? I understand they got statues to defend, election year politics to deal with, fat corporations to take care of and other ongoing absurdities but damn. So what are we to do?