I worked the election for my candidate. I was very impressed how integrated the call center data was set up. The data integrated several resources.? Where they could vote was on my computer, while my phone was bridged through the VoIP gateway
Now comes the question. If they can spend the money on using these systems for the campaign, Why can’t the systems be implemented in the government. Why does a transfer of a call generate a whole new verification process?? Why can’t my records be tied to my caller ID.
Now here is the thing, the local government offices have gotten pretty efficient. You show them your real ID and they find your info in milliseconds.
Let’s face facts cell phones are personal.? Look I am not saying they need to have better apps (But I am saying they should be updating their call center solutions.)
Perhaps they should donate their accounts to government agencies.
Or at least loan it for the next year.
And after they do update the call center we should talk about egov integration between agencies.