Now is the time to take action!

Now is the time to take action!

S. 2155: Now is the time to take action!

Folks, if you've been waiting on the sidelines, it's time to get in the game. The House is likely to take up S. 2155 soon—the final vote for this bipartisan bill that passed the Senate in March—and they need to hear as many passionate credit union voices as possible.

Momentum for our side is building. Just this week, through their leagues, seven New England states joined their banking counterparts in writing to Congress to pass the bill.

But we need to do more.

We're so close. By working together, we'll achieve real, significant regulation relief, so we can better serve our members and improve our communities.

In Alabama, another ADA lawsuit is dismissed: Our legal strategy continues to pay off. Recent lawsuits are trying to exploit a law designed to protect disabled Americans and the briefs we've been filing in support of credit unions in these frivolous suits all over the country are making that fact plain to the courts. We're also continuing to offer compliance resources and pursue a permanent solution to these threats and lawsuits in Washington D.C.

Imagine someone elected to office because of credit unions? That person would probably feel pretty good about us, right? That's just one of the reasons we continue to host campaign schools with our league partners that teach prospective candidates and campaign workers everything they need to know to run for political office. We hosted our fourth one of the 2018 campaign cycle with the New Mexico league this week.

We support NCUA's authority to modernize FOM rules: I sent a letter to membership this week updating them on the NCUA's field of membership rules. Although the courts overturned two of its provisions to make it easier for credit unions to grow, we'll stay engaged with the NCUA and continue to support any of the NCUA's efforts, through the courts or otherwise, to ensure consumers have access to credit unions in their communities.

We support consumer-friendly disclosures, request reminders: We always aim to advocate for the right balance between common-sense rules that benefit consumers and credit unions' ability to best serve their members. This week, in a letter to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, we acknowledged that submitting credit card agreements is no longer a burden to credit unions, as credit unions have been doing this for years. But we requested quarterly reminders and consideration that any future changes to disclosures, no matter how minor, can negatively impact card issuers.

Helpful compliance form now available: Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network's customer due diligence rule becomes effective May 11 and FinCEN has made its electronic CDD beneficial owner certification form available to help comply with the new rule. Learn more here.

Improve your workplace with emotional intelligence: Check out this podcast about how fostering emotional intelligence can vastly improve your organization, increasing productivity and employee satisfaction. Listen and subscribe to the CUNA News Podcast in Apple's iTunes StoreGoogle Play, and Stitcher Radio.

Shout out to all the great things happening at league conferences. I know this is a bit of a catchall, but I've had the pleasure of speaking at a number of league conferences recently—Cornerstone, the Dakotas, West Virginia, Virginia, and Ohio in April alone—and, wow, I can't emphasize enough how our unique CUNA-league system ups the strength of our industry's advocacy.

Last week the Illinois Credit Union League hosted a conference that highlighted its advocacy efforts to 650 attendees and invited Congressman Randy Hultgren to speak, just as S. 2155 is heating up in the House. By working together and coordinating our efforts, we connect the local to the national—creating an unequaled network that transforms our individual strengths into superpowers.

As ever, thank you for your continued participation in and engagement with the CUNA/League system. As ever, if you have any issues you'd like CUNA to address, I encourage you to give me a call directly at 202-508-6745 or email me at [email protected].

All the best,

Jim Nussle

President and CEO


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