Is Now the Time to Revamp Your Website? Yes!
Last week we caught up with Eric Weidner, Founder & CEO at Workbox, Inc., an online marketing professional with more than 20 years of experience; in our Connection Silicon Valley #CollaborativeCoffee series.
If you would like a copy of the webinar recording, presentation, or would like to discuss your website redesign with Eric directly, please complete this short form here.
Although this talk is about website redesigns and why you should do it now, we will start with the concept and importance of your businesses brand. Then, we will discuss the application of brand messaging to your website redesign, why you should do it now and how to succeed at it. We will put it altogether with more thoughts about branding and specific tips.
The Brand Rules:
- It’s important to build the company brand and culture - everything follows this.
- Have a consistent brand over time, never deviate from it.
- Further build your brand by sharing big news and timely information.
- Technology changes all the time and you have to grow with it.
Evolution not Revolution:
- Refine over time but stick to company brand and culture.
- Focus on mobile navigation, don’t forget that it is increasing and we have to adapt. Horizontal navigation is easier for translating it into the mobile form.
- Avoid generic imagery.
- How can your website bring your brand to life?
Why Do It Now?
- In-person meetings are not happening, so your online presence is more important than ever.
- Good help is available.
- Tech and users change, E.g., Your mobile site needs to be awesome.
- You raised money or you need to raise money.
- Something newsworthy happened or is about to happen (new product, personnel, conference/event, milestone, etc.)
- You refined your site’s target audience and goals (leads, investors, partners, personnel).
Tactical Steps:
Step 1: Define What Sucks: Do this before you even consider hiring a designer or other help!
- Is your website content accurate? Is it up to date?
- Is it achieving the goals you have in mind? Are you measuring them accurately?
- What feels “yucky” or don't you love?
Step 2: Research
- The easiest way to communicate what you want for your new website is to show examples to whoever is helping you. It also helps you to keep on track. Remember what companies and markets you are benchmarking against.
- Look for sites that “do” what you’d like your site to do. You’re not stealing their ideas, you’re leveraging them!
- Find other sites that look fantastic and are appropriate for your market.
Step 3: The Message
- Define and understand your brand
- Create the content - three little words and one of the hardest parts
Tip: “Every site launch I’ve worked for, that has been delayed, has been delayed by the content. Not design. Not development. Content.”
Step 4: Assign Tasks
Who does what?
- Research: you
- First draft of content: you
- Edit content: outsource
- Website (logo?) design: outsource
- Website development: outsource or DIY if you’re using a CMS
- Measuring and goals: outsource - Set up Google Analytics and track
- Project management: you or outsource (you only need a generalist for this)
Step 5: Create Request of Proposal, Save Money
Get as detailed as you can.
- Set the specific goals - What do want your site to accomplish that can be measured?
- Specific items needed.
- Provide specific examples, particularly for more complex things (forms, functionality).
- Be sure mobile design is a clear requirement, it has to be included.
- Don’t forget analytics!
- Ask about ongoing support - software updates for security purposes.
- Be honest about your budget.
Step 6: Use your Network, Save Money
This helps you to save money in 3 ways:
- Vendors are already vetted
- Vendors have extra incentive to do good work
- You will get a better deal
Here’s the thing - Your website is just an outward facing representation of your brand. Companies that understand and live their brand are the ones who succeed. However, it’s OK and perfectly acceptable if you look bigger than you are.
Final Tips:
- Do the brand and brand message before you do anything else. Content is king and defines your website’s architecture.
- Consider hiring a marketing generalist, you’ll probably be very busy, consider bringing in someone to help.
- Use your network, it will help you find the best people.
- Give yourself enough time.
If you would like a copy of the webinar recording, presentation, or would like to discuss your website redesign with Eric directly, please complete this short form here.
Thank you, Joanne Fedeyko, Connection Silicon Valley, and #CollaborativeCoffee for hosting and connecting me with your excellent organization. I hope everyone found my presentation to be useful and actionable! #onlinemarketing #onlinebrand