Now is the time to make your SAP system GST-Ready

What does this mean:

GST is about to become a law in India. SAP India is ready with GST related changes in the software. However there are certain prerequisites to meet before GST changes can be done in SAP system. Getting GST-ready will mean at least having to take care of the prerequisites.

What is the prerequisite:

GST related changes done by SAP are based on TAXINN concept of tax determination. If you are still using TAXINJ concept of tax determination, you will have to migrate your SAP system from TAXINJ to TAXINN. Also there is a certain level of enhancement pack and service pack required as part of this readiness.

What does this project entail:

It’s like a migration of a piece of software that includes preparation on affected scenarios mostly around sales and purchase, required system configuration, thorough testing, master data changes, correction in existing ABAP objects and conversion of open transactions to new concept. Yes you are right….its not to be taken lightly. Its one of those not too big and complex projects but to be done very meticulously.

How long does it take:

Scope of project typically depends on nature and size of your installation. It might take between 2 – 3 months

We will be happy to share our experience of having done it for some of the most reputed names in the industry.

Get an assessment done. Drop a line at [email protected] with a subject line “GST Readiness


