Now is the Time.  Invincible is the Game.

Now is the Time. Invincible is the Game.

Racism, Sexism and Homophobia are rampant and have been allowed to continue. Period. 

This is Cherie Crim, Founder of Be Kind to All and past candidate for Panama City Beach City Council Ward 4.

If you would have asked me 10 years ago, I would I have told you our country had gotten better. Then I moved to the south. My first time at a Publix grocery store in Atlanta, I was helping a woman pick out avocado. When she left, a nice older woman came up to me and thanked me for helping that Negro. Yes, she said that. I looked at her and said ma’am we don’t’ use those words anymore its 2011. Then she called me some cuss word and walked away.

Now I live in Panama City Beach. My last mayor (his term ended April 2020) would say sexist and racist things. The other men on the council would laugh. Then right at the end of his term he decided to put his misogyny on full display. He fired the city clerk for doing her job. Guess what…all the other men agreed and let it happen. 

Our School Superintendent believes being LGBTQ+ is a sin and will not let Equality Florida come in and teach their safe and healthy schools’ program. We are one of only a few counties left in Florida who has not done the training.

Next let’s talk about the business owners and the chamber. My Chamber allows sexist, racist and homophobic comments at their Chamber events. In fact, the last event before COVID, they needed to make sure to make some sexist joke about Elizabeth Warren because she had just dropped out.

We do not need to live in a world of HATE. We can help each other be better and learn that everyone just wants a chance to live their lives without discrimination, without unnecessary violence, and without fear.

We can stand up to the HATE. 

Now is the time. Invincible is the Game.


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