Now is the time for ACTION
The phrase “we’re living in uncertain times” has most likely never been used as much as it has within the past week.
That and the phrase “Social Distancing”. Who’d have thought a month ago that THAT would become part of our everyday parlance.
And yes, it’s scary.
Yes this isn’t something that ANY of us are used to dealing with. But deal with it we WILL.
Because we’ve got through everything that’s happened so far – right?
But amidst all of this – and as the weeks and months ahead of us unfold, the stark reality of the situation is that we HAVE to be looking towards a point where things start moving in the right direction again.
Schools will reopen. Businesses will reopen. People will again be flooding the streets, living their lives, SPENDING THEIR MONEY.
At the moment – in the main, that’s now all stopped. Schools are closed, businesses are closing, people arent flooding the streets and they aren’t spending their money.
But soon they will.
And NOW is the time to prepare for that.
Don’t treat this situation as an excuse to be lazy, to sit on your arse in front of the telly and hope the government will wave a magic wand and suddenly it’ll be alright – treat it as a reason to put in the groundwork NOW so that you’ve got spending customers banging at your door once this virus has been tackled.
- Get on the phone to your customers/prospects
- Get PERSONAL emails out to them
- Get connecting with them on Linkedin
- Get out a load of content out to show the value you bring to your customers
- Work on your SEO
- Look for ways to diversify your services to appeal to this changing market
- Get collaborating with your colleagues – video conference meetings, whatsapp groups – share ideas, share strategies – work TOGETHER
- Improve your website
- Contact people with ZERO agenda other than looking to offer help
- Offer a “buy now, pay when you can option” if it helps to reassure them.
- Look for people in your network who you can pool resources with – share work, pass each other business.
The companies who come out of this the best will be the ones who firstly have taken the due care to look after their staff but secondly those that are willing to adapt, change and work their backsides off to help keep this economy going in the face of this madness.
Who’s with me?
Dan Smith