And now for something completely different . . .
What’s completely different about the May topic at MAREI?
It’s a very special niche within real estate investing?
And as you may know, having the RIGHT NICHE is where you can become RICH!
So what is it?
Turning Single-Family Houses into Residential Assisted Living Facilities.
It’s massively profitable and
Can far surpass your BRRR strategy cash flow
And it’s way simpler than it may seem on the surface . . . you just need to learn the process.
This is why we are bringing Residential Assisted Living expert Gene Guarino back for a second appearance at MAREI.
(When he was here a few years ago we over sold his Saturday training by 20 people despite a horrible January BLIZZARD)
So mark your calendars and join us for Gene Guarino’s 2 MAREI events this month.
#1. Main Monthly Meeting
MAREI’s 197th Meeting
Come Early to Network, Ask Questions & Build Your Team
TOPIC: “Profiting from Residential Assisted Living”
Tuesday, May 14th at the Holiday Inn and Suites at 8787 Reeder Road in Overland Park
RSVP now at:
#2. Full Day Training Event with Gene Guarino
TOPIC: "How to Turn One Single-Family House into a Monthly $5,000 - $15,000 Cash Flow with Residential Assisted Living Care Homes"
Saturday, May 18th at JCCC
Sign up now: