this is now
Scott Paul Lipinoga
MBA . CBAP . Business Analyst . Project Management_____only a river gonna make things right !
“ She thought to herself, ‘This is now.’
She was glad that the cozy house, and Pa and Ma and the firelight and the music, were now. They could not be forgotten, she thought, because now is now. It can never be a long time ago.”
From Laura Ingalls Wilder’s The Little House in the Big Woods.
As Business Analysts or Project Managers or Chef’s, Managers, Supervisors…whatever. Remember that now is all we have. We cannot solve yesterday’s problems and we cannot solve tomorrows problems we can only solve what is front of us right NOW.
The only thing we know for certain is that what has passed is past and to worry about it will only betray you. What has not passed is future and we should know by now that it is absolute insanity to absolutely predict the future. Now is all that is real.
Of course the past gives us a frame of reference upon which to analyze what is going on now and the future of course establishes an objective or vision of where to go but now is all we can truly control….if that.
Mikaela Shiffren is at 23 years old well on her way to becoming one of the best women ski racers ever. When interviewed sometimes she is asked how she makes it look so easy and in paraphrasing her response, she says because I train and practice and work hard but once I am in the starting gate nothing matters but what is now – I do not care about the outcome (podium) or the crash that happened a week ago – all I say to myself at that final moment is ‘make some good turns’.
So as we work today remember who you are and where you are and do your best to make some great turns. The rest will work itself out as long as you have put in the hard work to get to today.
I hope you enjoyed today’s post. You can follow me on twitter @tgsaet for more inspirations if you like and as always………….
don’t forget to smile, be safe and say your gratitudes