Now Robo-Bees Are Pollinating Avocados and Blueberries
ISRAEL21c —?Good News From Israel
Covering news from sustainability to startups, research to recreation, and the people positively shaping your world
The story that saw the most buzz on our site this week (pun most definitely intended) was undoubtedly the one about robotic bees that can pollinate as efficiently as wild ones.
Fears about the world’s declining bee population have been growing over the past couple of decades, with doom-mongers throwing out apocalyptical visions of a future where we slowly starve to death because there are no more bees left to pollinate our crops.
Now, some Israeli entrepreneurs from a small agricultural village in Israel, think they have the solution – a mobile technology that can efficiently bio-mimic the job of a bee.
Startup BloomX aims to start with blueberries and avocados, and then move to other crops.
This isn’t the first time that an agricultural technology has caused a stir with our readers. In November last year, we wrote a story about Tevel Aerobotics, a startup that has created an autonomous robot that can pick ripe fruit off a tree and lower it gently to the ground for collection.
Find out more about these fascinating technologies that can help ensure the world’s food security below.
Warm regards,
Nicky Blackburn , Editor
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