Now more then have the time
Created by Clark Thompson on Canva

Now more then have the time

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I want to share an experience I had at a doctor's office. I was referred to go to a cardiologist from my primary care physician. I didn't ask for anyone in particular, and trusted her to send me to a good one. Of course, with COVID...every practice is exercising precautions in observance of the requirements, which is good. My first visit, I was given clear direction before I came, what their requirements are when I arrive. I had to sit in the car, call their office, and tell them I was in the parking lot. They would call me when it's my turn to come into the building, and of course I brought my mask. They scanned my forehead for fever, and then I was able to come into an empty lobby with about 8 to 10 chairs, where in the "old days", this room could hold about twice that or more. There were two others in the lobby.

Now, I have some friends who are in the medical field. A dentist, optometrist and a Family practice physician. They have all told me the same thing. "The patient load is so low, it's ridiculous" Two of my friends are private practice, and have been severely affected because of COVID, almost closing their practice.

I'm not a doctor, so I won't pretend to talk like I know what's it's like to be one. However, I am a professional, with a long resume of success in working with the public. Here is the point of this article. We all have more time now, than we've ever had. At home, and for some that can got work as well. In this case, my first experience with this new doctor was not impressive at all. I had tests done before coming to the appointment. As I waited for the doctor to come into the exam room, I could hear chatting, and chewing the fat conversation out in the hallway, all the while, I'm patiently waiting to be seen. When the doctor came in, he was cordial and introduced himself, but after that...It wasn't worth the $45 copay, I paid to be in that room. He didn't review my tests, nor did he know I had any. He didn't know why I was there, I had to tell him. Now, I will tell you, before COVID, I'll bet the medical offices had appointments scheduled back to back, with hardly no time in between, to even go to the bathroom. Now, the patient load is not so. My doctor had plenty of time to get to know my medical history before my arrival. My tests were available for over a week before the appointment. I was very disappointed. He wasn't engaged, and I felt he was hurrying me. The second appointment weeks later, after I had to wear a Holter monitor, was just as bad. He didn't read the results until I was in the room with him. I wore that monitor for 3 weeks!

I can't image what it must be like to be a physician. Spending years in college, and interning, not to mention the investment to be a doctor. It's risky today, with the public always looking to sue someone. I admire and respect everyone who is in the field. For goodness sakes, my wife is a nurse, and has been for over 25 years. The medical field is for "called" individuals, not for those looking for a job. I'm confident we have many who pursued the medical field for a job, and those are typically the ones that cut corners and make bad mistakes. You will know you are in front of a "called" individual who is a nurse, doctor, dentist or any other in the field. They will make you feel calm, talk to you like a person, and they will communicate with you in a manner that lets you know that they are working for you...and not the other way around.

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It doesn't matter if you are in the medical profession or any other profession that serves the public...the message is still the same. If you want to keep your patients, or better make an incredible first impression that is lasting, or you won't see them again. There are too many others out there that are hungry for the business and will go out of there way to serve their customers like they are family. Repeat customers, and patients are bread and butter for any sole proprietorship or major business or practice. If you are in leadership, when was the last time you checked your attrition rate? Have you ever? How many of your customers have stuck by you as "regulars" for more than a year, 5 years, or more? Have you ever called any of your customers who were new, but didn't come back?

You know, even though it's been hell since the start of 2020 in a number of ways, there are a lot of things that we've learned to get better at, at least for those who've dug in and decided to overcome the circumstances, instead of letting the circumstances overcome them. The world's transmission has been humming along for quite awhile in overdrive...and all of a sudden downshifted to first gear. It's truly a gift, if you can look at it this way. Restaurants are more cleaner than ever before. Look at the inspection reports for the last 6 months in your area. Public facilities, like stores and gas stations have stepped up their sanitation game. We all have had more time at terrible is that??? More time to spend with the kids, home projects that need to be done...and yes even some road trip time.

My point in all this my drill instructor yelled in my ear many years ago. "If you can't get it right the first time, don't do it at all!" There is no excuse now. You can't say that you didn't have the time. Slow down, take the time, and make the time with everything you do.


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