Now I Remember

I, like most every American male, was a fan of baseball. It was the National pastime. The “regular guys’ game.? We all played it as kids. Later in life, we played it WITH our kids. ? It was something we all shared. It’s funny that in WWII one of the ways to test if someone was a spy was to ask a baseball question– because every American knew who won the World Series. It was a natural part of life in the U.S.A..?

But things change.?

I haven’t watched a game all year. I haven’t watched too many games in the last 10 years.? That’s because the common bond is gone. The games are no longer on channels 9 and 11. Who the hell knows where they are?? And in some cases they’re streamed or played on a station that requires subscription and payment. ? I won’t give them the satisfaction. They’ve ruined the game anyway. ? There's been too many changes when in fact, baseball is the most perfect game ever conceived. So simple, yet infinitely complex and every rule makes sense. What other sport has that? And it’s the only team game that isn’t played to a clock. It ain’t over till it’s over.? But still…I’ve lost interest.?

Yet, I remember when Mark McQuire was going for the Home Run Record. That was something that was history making. Ruth held it for over 30 years until Roger Maris broke it by one (in an extended season which resulted in an asterisk next to his number)? and THAT held? for over 30 years.? And everyone was riveted to their sets waiting for it to happen once again -- in their lifetime.? There was just one glitch.? McQuire did it using performance enhancement. And for that reason, I believe his, and Sammy Sosa’s and Barry Bonds records are the ones that should have an asterisk next to them.

The fact that McQuire was? enhanced was never a surprise to me. I wrote for the bodybuilding magazines for years and was quite familiar with the capabilities of steroids and recognized the telltale signs. I know firsthand that the advantage they? provide in strength will turn a lot of? 300 foot fly balls into 360 foot home runs.? In fact, I’m mentioned in the book “Game of Shadows”? which is about the scandal involving Barry Bonds and the drugs he used to shatter the record. They were provided by Victor Conte? whom I interviewed long before the Bonds affair.? There was something about him I found smarmy from the start. ? But that’s a separate story.?

This week, I heard that a young man by the name of Aaron Judge had tied Babe Ruth’s record of 60 HR’s.? With 12 games left he will most likely beat Maris’ 61*? (Coincidentally, they are all New York Yankees).? So I figured I’d tune into the game even though I know none of the players or any of the standings. And frankly, I didn’t care much.? I was always a Mets fan anyway.? This was more of a “what the heck” thing.? I was half watching it, waiting for Judge to come up.

And then…the game took a turn that can only happen in baseball. The score was tied and it was the bottom of the 9th inning and guess who comes up to bat.? The crowd erupted.? 50,000 people with their phones out looking to capture the moment the record books would be rewritten.

The record for home runs in a year is 73 by Barry Bonds and it’s doubtful Judge will reach that. The players are now tested and supposedly, Judge is clean.? And at any rate, this is also a Yankee record. And who was in the stands?? The? family of Roger Maris.?

I wondered what? went through their minds. Do they think that this would be the REAL untainted record?? Maybe so. ? Is it the big news that when McQuire did it juiced to the gills?? Maybe not. ? But I have to say, I got a little lump in my throat. ? It was greatness chasing greatness and for nothing else, that made it special. And in spite of all the commerciality, and the confusion and? all the marketing mayhem and the fact that the sport is no longer something shared by all? as it once was – it meant something.? And when Judge connected – a long, high fly ball toward center field, everyone’s hearts raced. But the ball was caught at the fence.?Just a few feet short of history.

Even though it was an out, it reminded me of what a great game the game of baseball is.? It has a way of showcasing drama like nothing else.?

Judge didn’t make it tonight.? But he will. And I’ll be watching. And so will the Maris family.? They know that? they’ll have to pass on the torch they held for so long. ? To someone younger. Someone bigger. Someone better.? That’s the way it’s supposed to go. It’s the way it has to go.? And it will.?

And may it last until the next generation. As it should.


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