Now Hiring: Lead Front End Developer

Now Hiring: Lead Front End Developer

You can’t really put that in an advert…

Me to Julian the other day: “How do we attract a really top developer? It’s unlikely that many people will have heard of us and we really want to be able to compete with anyone, Google… anyone, for talent.”

Julian to me: “I’d actually love to be able to tell someone how much I enjoy working with the people on this project, the technology, and who we’re building it for - but you can’t really put that in an advert can you?”

-- (Julian - Berlin and Wellington NZ - 8 years at Evergiving)


And then I thought… There’s quite a few meaningful things you don’t usually put in an advert that are really important. Here’s what the rest of the development team said:

“The obvious one that springs to mind is the excellent people we have. I’ve never worked with such a good group of people. Evergiving has been going strong for over 10 years. That’s an aeon in Internet time. It means we’ve got the experience to know tried and true technologies work. At the same time, we’re not afraid to give new things a try. We rely on a Rails majestic monolith as our backend. This powers HTML5 offline web apps, React apps via GraphQL, and Next.js apps written in TypeScript.”

-- (Henare — Bellingen AU — 4 years at Evergiving)

“To you, the person considering to join us, let me tell you something you won’t find in LinkedIn recommendations.

You will not need to change a thing in your life to work here, the job adapts to your schedule, do the assignments in your time, forget about the quick sandwich for lunch, you can actually take some time to cook if that’s your thing.

No boring meetings that make you wish you were on Youtube watching a Chow Mein tutorial. You will have liberty when coding, we are not married to technologies or platforms; macos, linux, windows, vim, emacs, atom, code, sublime etc are all welcome here. You choose your poison. We are interested in good solutions that make ours and our clients lives better. Be prepared to be independent and challenged by a willing team to help you achieve the better version of you.

How do I know all this? I have been here 10 years and they have been the best years of my life.”

-- (Jorge — Misiones AR — actually 11 years at Evergiving!)

“Working at Evergiving to me is like taking the best bits of working at a startup and the best bits of working at a mature company and mashing them together.

Like other mature companies we have hundreds of customers that love our product, we are not fighting for survival, over the years we have figured out what we need to build and how to build it, in this sense the wind feels like it’s at our back.

And then it can also feel like working at a startup, sometimes the amount of work ahead of us can feel a little overwhelming but you get used to that. What I really love is the opportunity to work across multiple different things each and every day, this is not a job where you just work on the same thing day in and day out, it feels like there is always opportunity to learn and challenge yourself.”

-- (Pete — Byron Bay AU — 7 years at Evergiving)

“Hey, one of the things I always think is very good here, is the velocity we incorporate new and modern technology! For example we used React when it was in its very early stages, and our digital project uses the new shiny fancy tech of Next.js, serverless. I think that’s a good thing for a developer to know, that they won’t feel stalled. Another thing which is good sometimes (and others not so good hehe, but it’s the way we do), is the unstructured way we work! We don’t do planning meetings and execute a sprint in a classical mode. There are no annual revisions nor burn chart! Maybe that is something to not mention!”

-- (Franco — Buenos Aires AR — 10 years at Evergiving)

“More than a work team, it feels like a family. Everyone is always willing to lend a hand. Some of my favorite things are the humanity, camaraderie and respect of each of the members. It feels like home.

Working conditions are excellent. We are a team of people from different parts of the world. The schedules are flexible, they can be accommodated to your time zone or the one you prefer, and from wherever you want. We do not work on weekends.

Waysact/Evergiving is a company that is constantly growing, trying to meet the needs and requirements of customers, for which we need more help. If you like to do things with excellence and are looking to grow professionally, you are in the right place.”

-- (Adrian — Misiones AR — 2 years at Evergiving)

“Evergiving brings together people from different parts of the world, with different backgrounds, we all have different experiences. This diversity has brought different ideas, some of which that have surprised me and made me feel happy to be part of such an amazing group of humans.

We do not have a hardwired hierarchy, We are a pretty “flat” company. I think it’s also important to note that we are not a large company, 18 of us with you, but we’re all very senior and we know each other’s names, quirks, and talk to each other like humans.

On the technical side, we have a polyglot environment which is fun to work on, and also occasionally experiment with new programming languages, technology, infrastructure. We have space and time for prototyping, exploring possible new ways of solving complex problems, we are not stuck in the old ways of doing things.”

-- (Bruno — Coffs Harbour AU — Founder and CTO)

“There’s a lot of he/him pronouns on this list. If that’s not you, I promise you’ll find an inclusive and happy home here. Our creative and support team are more diverse! We’ve been fully remote since we started, over 12 years ago. It’s not an after thought, I wrote this in 2015, and we’re good at it — with supportive and matured communications systems in place. You can absolutely fit work around your life and not the other way around. I firmly believe it attracts great people and it is also why they stay. Of course you must have the maturity to be able to handle it and can work unsupervised. From a technology point of view we do usually say yes to the latest things people want to use. That has its downsides, but on balance and in recognition it needs to be in the right hands, it works.”

-- (James — Sydney AU — Founder and CEO)

Lead Front End Developer

Post Title: Lead Front End Developer

Reports to: CTO

Location: Anywhere you like

Annual Salary: Competitive to senior/principal developer salary, on experience

Background is software as a service that supports fundraising for most of the world’s largest non profit organisations, via digital, call center and face to face/mobile tech. Thousands of Charities trust our software with the acquisition and processing of new donors. We’re making an incredible difference. We’re a group of highly dedicated and talented people located globally; from the rain forests of Argentina to the heart of the Emerald Isle to the Australian hinterland; from Buenos Aires to London to Berlin to Quito to Sydney. We operate in over 50 countries and 21 different languages. We are proudly bootstrapped and a creative commons for an industry that raises a billion dollars annually for the improvement of the world around us.

Us and you

We’re a software platform with significant breadth. We support complex workflows, from learning management systems, to GIS to call center features, and we store credit card numbers and process payments, with interfaces into many different charity applications, banking systems and other services.

Through all of this we support some users that are such fundraising heroes they simply don’t have any room left for aptitude with technology. You’ll love that and want to make their experience a wondrous one with simple and easy to use interfaces.

You must have very strong technical and design skills and be considered a leader amongst your peers. We’re a multi-disciplinary team. You’ll appreciate the variety and opportunity that offers and be able to switch focus easily, but you don’t get distracted and you know how to manage that. You have the technical proficiency to pick up and use new tools and technologies easily.

Core technical skills

  • React
  • GraphQL
  • Typescript, Javascript, CSS
  • Design tools of your choice

Why you should apply

In return, we will provide you with the opportunity to build amazing things. We have a fun, friendly and supportive team culture, and we’re offering the opportunity to apply your skills & experience in a ground-breaking technology environment.

To Apply

To apply for the post, please send a letter of application stating the skills and experience that you would bring to the role along with your CV/resume (no photos) in English in strict confidence BY EMAIL ONLY to James Goodridge [email protected].


