NOW is a Great Time to Start Giving Back
What does the phrase “Giving Back” mean to you? To me it means making time to share with people who need it.
The first response I usually hear to that is “I’m too busy, maybe next year”. I think you are lying to yourself if you think “next year” will be any less busy. Note that I said, “making time”. Very few people think of themselves as “having extra time”. But you probably have lower priority tasks on your list that could be moved around to make time to give back.
I have always been somewhat of a workaholic, typically working 50-60+ hours per week in my primary job, as well as family obligations and secondary jobs. But somehow, I always managed to find time to help others. The old saying is “If you want to get something done, ask someone who is busy.”
Some companies will grant time off to give back, especially if it can be considered a team-building event. Some companies will cover expenses if you incur any or even give direct donations or match your cash donations. But often you must be the one to initiate company involvement.
How can you get started? The easy thing is to just donate to a good cause and often that is a good place to start – you get on their mailing list and start learning more about what they are doing and any needs you might fill with your time. But for me at least, nothing beats the fulfillment of working with like-minded volunteers and interacting face to face with the people you are helping.
How do you pick a good cause? Look first to your own skills and interests. Do you like teaching and/or working with kids? Perhaps an organization like Junior Achievement would be good. Are you motivated by environmental concerns? Perhaps volunteer at a local park. Want to help local people? Maybe consider a food bank, Habitat for Humanity, ShelterBox or other relief agency. Want to use your professional skills? Organizations like Bpeace and SCORE connect professionals with disadvantaged businesses who need your help. There is an opportunity for every skill and interest.
You can start small – no need for a large time commitment. One good way to “stick your toe in the water” is to join a service club like Rotary. A good service club provides networking with like-minded people and exposure to many volunteer opportunities. Don’t wait. Get started today.
#JuniorAchievement, #HabitatForHumanity, #ShelterBox, #Bpeace, #SCORE, #Rotary.