Now Faith - an example from the early life of David.
The last person that we tend to think of when we speak about FAITH is David.?We usually look at Abraham as the Father of FAITH – and to David as the conqueror of Goliath, we also tend to remember his sinful act with Beersheba and the bloody wars he was involved in.
He was – off course – also known for much more than that.?He was the youngest of his Father, Jesse’s sons.?Being the youngest, he was unlikely to be a rich man, as his brothers older than him would inherit the most.
He was only worthy – according to his family – to look after the sheep.?It was, however, here, in the field where his FAITH was practically developed. ?Here, alone, God provided His protection over David, and David realized that God would never leave nor forsake him.?It was with this FAITH that David could walk up to Goliath – a FAITH above all – a FAITH that God will protect and provide.
We know the story of David and Goliath off heart – yet, we miss many important details – specifically regarding David’s NOW FAITH.
Jesse told David to take some provisions to his brothers who were away – in war with the Philistines.?When the call came from Jesse, David responded immediately – and found someone to look after the sheep while he was gone.?(verse 20)
When he reached the battlefield, he found it somehow different from what a battlefield looks typically like.?Instead of ongoing fighting, he found the two nations facing off.?(verse 3)?
Goliath was taunting the Jews.?This was going on for 40 days – verse 16.?He even said that he wanted someone from the Jews to fight him – and that they would serve the Jews if he were killed.?One wonders how HE would be part of the WE when he was dead!?(verse 9)
Saul and the men of the army of Israel heard this they were terrified (verse 11)
When David reached the battlefield, Goliath again taunted the army of Israel.?The image of David was so impressive that the army of Israel ran away in fear (verse 24)
David inquired about the benefits bestowed upon the person who fought Goliath and is told that the man who defeated Goliath will receive one of Saul’s daughters and that his entire family will be exempt from paying taxes again.?(verse 25)
Eliab, David’s eldest brother, was very upset about David’s presence – not only did he think that David did not have a plan to look after the sheep while he was gone – but he also accused David of being deceitful and proud.?The last accusation made was that David just came to see the battle!?(verse 28)
One can be excused for thinking – Which battle?! There was not even an attempt to battle – it was all about shouting at each other – making much noise but taking no action.
One may ask:?Was David not perhaps guilty of what his brother accused him of??Was he really qualified enough to even consider fighting Goliath?
David speaks to Saul and tells him (verse 32) – “I will fight him.”
He then proceeds and tells Saul about how he fought lions and bears and rescued his sheep from them.?(verses 35-36)?With BOLDNESS, he declares that he will do the same with the Philistine.
David could say this all because of his FAITH in God.?He knew that God did not protect him by chance in the past, that God had a plan for his life.?He knew that God would provide – especially when His honor is touched!!
David’s NOW FAITH can be summed up as follows:
·??????NOW FAITH requires that you KNOW where your strength comes from]
·??????NO FAITH requires you to know WHO you are
·??????NOW FAITH requires ACTION
David ticked all these boxes.?
David KNEW where his strength comes from:
·??????A person who does not know where his strength comes from will rely only upon his own power.?That power will be under scrutiny, especially when the going gets tough!?
·??????David knew that, as God protected him in the past – only protecting his family’s sheep – how much more will God protect him when he fights for God’s honor.
A person who does not KNOW who he is will:
·??????Will be full of fear and will be filled with insecurity.?This is what David excelled in and where his brother thought of him to be arrogant.?He KNEW who he was!?He does not fear – and he does not suffer from insecurity.
For him, Goliath is merely another obstacle that needs to be removed – something he KNOWS God will do.
·??????They live with an abnormal measure of self-concern.?Not KNOWING who you are will lead you to doubt yourself and try and preserve yourself – despite the need to stand up and be counted.
·??????Such people also carry a deep sense of aloneness.?David was alone as a person when he kept his family’s sheep – but he was never spiritually isolated – because God protected him!!
David had his NOW FAITH manifest into ACTION:
·??????He did not, as the Israel Army, make much noise.?He knew that noise – although something – is not what is necessary.?He knew that he had to act!
·??????His NOW FAITH let him declare that God WILL deliver Goliath in his hands.?He did not hesitate – but spoke those words in FAITH.
·??????He also did not run away from the challenge but walked TOWARDS the challenge with NOW FAITH that God WILL come through.
Today you may ask – “How can I apply this knowledge to MY life?”?“How can I live with this type of NOW FAITH?”
·??????Psalm 73:26 “My flesh and my heart?may fail,??but God is the STRENGTH?of my heart?and my portion?forever.”
??????Psalm 84:5 “Blessed are those whose STRENGTH is in you,??in whose heart are the highways to Zion.”?