Now Do This

Now Do This

The noise is a bit less.There'll be a spike on the 31st.After that, it's back to business.

For many, it can be a let-down.

You may feel you’re a bit overwhelmed, in poor condition, a bit rundown, off form, lacking in energy or drive, tending to be easily irritated, seeing the worst in everything, with a general disinterest,?that life is a bit of a pain in the neck.

Or worse, boring.

You'd like to alleviate some of those symptoms. Wouldn’t that be good?

Now, listen..What if you could get right down to the?source?of the problem? What if you could get to?the cause??That'd be better, wouldn’t it?

Do you believe, even slightly, that you could?create?the person you?need to be,?to achieve what you want in life??Do you believe?that that potential exists within you? Do you believe that you can learn how to invigorate your life, energise your system, alter how you think about who you are, how you feel about yourself, whether it’s by getting rid of extra body fat, flattening the stomach, opening up your lungs, improving your stamina, teaching your body how to get more done with less effort, training your mind to focus, training your mind to be who you feel you need to be, using a system that has been applied by thousands over the last 55 years to bring all the energy, drive, health and vitality back into your life?

Do you believe that ?

If you?do,?you can transform your world.?If you can?imagine?your life with abundant energy, less body fat, toned muscle, vigorous strength, great staying power, laser-like Focus, a toned body that wears clothes well, doesn’t ?just fit into them, but helps you look your best constantly, you?can?do it. Think, even for a moment,? how that would help you feel about yourself.?How you could be at ease with who you are, and your own vision of who you want to be.?

You don't need to be famous.

Or rich.

Or some academic genius.

Or a world class athlete.

You just need to be YOU. You are all you need.

Nobody can be you as perfectly as yourself.

Think about how you could access personal resources that you know you have, but don’t use.?How you could apply your abilities to your everyday life. You could also find, as you practice simple principles, that your ability to produce and create would greatly increase. Many before you have already.

And this is not pie-in-the-sky dreaming. People are doing this, and have been doing it for over 50 years, every day of the week. And at an affordable price.

Here's what clients have to say about the program.??

Mr. Declan O'Leary, Managing Director, CSRLANDPLAN Ltd

" David Hegarty ran a programme with our practice (ca. 24 people) over 3 months in early 2021. The object was to assist and equip our team to deal with?the general pressures and stress of work and life, and to improve?performance and well-being.Little did we realise how valuable this would turn out to be?through the depth and gloom of the COVID lockdown during this part of the year. Our weekly sessions with David became a well looked forward to event by all staff – a range of professionals of all ages – as an opportunity to practice de-stressing,?relaxation and energising techniques, and to uplift the spirit,??and to understand the importance? of fitting these into the normal working day, particularly so at this period.?I would recommend David’s programme and his wise and friendly approach, and his?unique blend of the physical and the philosophical?which generates food for thought as well as supporting people tackle life’s challenges in general and, as part of that, work challenges in particular.We look forward to occasional refresher sessions with David and our team and new staff coming on board. "

Mr. Barry Shevlin Managing Director, Global Home Improvements.

I was extremely stressed out and everything was an issue, .. I am a different person now…… running a company with about 5% of the stress levels I had… guides you in getting great results….helps you to get the most out of life and your potential…….not a quick fix, but the results are astounding. David equipped me with skills that I had, but never used……

Mr. Conor Holmes, Managing Director, Outside The Box, Naas, Co. Kildare.

"...have personally benefited enormously...doing the recommended mental and physical activities with intent, purpose and concentration, as guided by a wonderful mentor, motivator, and above all, a gentleman....cannot recommend David highly enough and can vouch that provided you actually practise all that he preaches, you will gain enormous benefit and quality of life improvements, way beyond what you thought might be possible."

Mr. Michael Doorly, Operations Director, Irish Independent.

I just couldn’t tone my upper body or get rid of the belly… sceptical at first, it wasn’t long before I was developing new habits in posture, breathing, exercise and diet… cholesterol dropped dramatically…Another problem solved!.."

.For 55 years, David Hegarty, a youthful active, and productive 79 year-old author, speaker, presenter, has been teaching people how to be fit , healthy, and well.

You don't have to be a fitness fanatic. But you do?need?a?system?in place to?keep?yourself fit, healthy, and well. Results, personal achievements, have shown that systemised basic principles, are, and always will be, the basis of success in any endeavour. Basic principles, an open mind, and the will to apply yourself will always get you where you want to go.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ?353-87-232112

If you’ve been thinking about doing something for yourself, your life, making the most of who you can be, wherever you are, isn’t it time to find out some more about it? How do?you?feel about your life now? Is it what you want it to be??

Click HERE

Then, if this strikes a chord with you, and if you’re halfway serious, get in touch with me.

It'll cost you NOTHING but a few minutes of your time. And it could be the best few minutes you ever spend. If we feel we could work together, that’s fine. If we don’t, that’s fine too.

But at least you’ll know what you need to do, and how to go about it.

Look at the link again: HERE


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