Now with blades!
David Schlesinger
I left insanity-praising LinkedIn for gab dot com slash PassThor_David
I have fixed blades aside of the rotors and, as expected, it war turning much faster. It is still too slow for the generator, thus I will make a new device with two gears and will exchange the Savonis-rotors by Darrieus-type rotors to reduce the braking effect and possible higher the Magnus effect. The blades will have more effect with higher rotation speed as well.
I need to analyze the videos and speeds, yet, and will do so when the 3D printers will pring the next parts to the improved model.
The wind speed I measured to be unstable between 5 and 7 m/s, sometimes up to 8m/s, seldomly dropping below 4.5m/s. We would need some measuring with CONSTANT wind speed between 5 and 10 m/s, so hopefully nature will provide us with that wind sometimes soon. My guess is that lambda of the main rotor is be near 1.
The video show another test with the "Lukatis-Rotor" where we mounted some shielding. This had no positive effect, as the Magnus effect distracts the wind flow to hit the outer side of the shield and brake down the rotation. We will change the shields and check for improvement.