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LoLiBu. Michiko
Ich helfe Menschen auf der ganzen Welt. Als 3 S?ulen Coach Love Life Business kurz (LoLiBu). Kreiere ein Leben der zu dir passt.
Do you know how to be Happy within yourself? Do you know how you want to be loved? Do you know what it means to be at peace with your inner Demons? If not that's okay.
Neither did I, nothing made me internally happy. I knew what and how emotional Happiness felt, of course; I think we all do but. Yet not Internal Happiness. I suffered because I was unhappy not only with my life but with myself. My Business, my Family even my friends could not help me. I needed to do this alone. So I started a journey to find what I was missing in my life.
Now I have found what I was missing and know how to find it. Read this book and I promise, 30 days later you will thank me. This is a book but only read 1 page per day and do the activities. Invest 1 hour a day in yourself and you will burst with Joy.
I have a special offer you can buy this book and do it alone or you can contact me and I will guide you, empower you, and Coach you for 30 days 1 on 1 for only