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PLEASE SHARE: I'm asking for your help - We've made our audiobook available for free on Barnes & Noble, Applebooks and Spotify until 1/31/2025.
Five years of research and we've asked for nothing in return. Please take time to download, rate and/or review. Please be honest in your words and review. This goes such a long way.Forewords by Neal Veglio, Tony Restell, Lynnaire Johnston, Kevin D. Turner, Michael Rugland, Derek Laliberte, and Sophie Lee
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Mic Adam, Shari Berg, and I thank you so very much for taking time out of your lives to share our work. Most importantly for your trust!Be Real Authentic and Never Duplicate and please follow my #braand #spotapod #unpod
Microsoft Office-ionado | Noun. A person who is very interested in and knowledgeable about Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
1 周Thank YOU, Daniel.
#1 Platform Data Analytics Guru - Adoptive dad of 7 - Helping put the HUMAN back in HUMANity. SPOTAPOD Creator and bestselling nonfiction social media author.
1 个月Daisy Ilaria
#1 Platform Data Analytics Guru - Adoptive dad of 7 - Helping put the HUMAN back in HUMANity. SPOTAPOD Creator and bestselling nonfiction social media author.
1 个月Angela Hoppe-Nagao
#1 Platform Data Analytics Guru - Adoptive dad of 7 - Helping put the HUMAN back in HUMANity. SPOTAPOD Creator and bestselling nonfiction social media author.
1 个月Salma Harfouche ??
#1 Platform Data Analytics Guru - Adoptive dad of 7 - Helping put the HUMAN back in HUMANity. SPOTAPOD Creator and bestselling nonfiction social media author.
1 个月Sangeeta Pillai (Soul Sutras)