Now there are 5. Are YOU one of them?
Reggie Cochran
I became a World Champion in my field and I can help you become a Champion in yours.
The offer I made a few days ago... has now gone from 8 to 5.
Are YOU one of the 5 that I get to HELP!
Read the original post below to find out if you want to apply!
----- Original Post -----------------------------------
Are YOU one of the 8 Entrepreneurs, Coaches or Professionals that I get to HELP!
This year is 2/3 gone.. and most people have NOT accomplished 2/3 of their goals!
You have 2 choices... 1> continue to run behind. Or... 2> Take responsibility! Make a STRONGER commitment to your goals. And work faster and smarter to get caught up! (then get ahead)
If you choose option #2 and are SERIOUS about accomplishing your goals, want to make more money and have more free time to enjoy it, this post is for YOU!
I am looking for 8 success minded, fun loving entrepreneurs who are SERIOUS about taking good or great businesses to AWESOME levels! To not only having more money and better relationships, but having more free time to enjoy them both!
I want to help them design, create and live the ultimate lifestyle of their choices.
Whether your problems are sales, marketing, systems, motivational, or just plain out not knowing what to do next... I want to HELP!
I have a proven record of helping successful people find greater success, while finding balance between their business & personal lives. I call this my 8 F Bombs! And I am going to teach these 8 people how to.... F Bomb their way to accomplishing their goals & living their dreams!
We will diagnose your business to see what needs repaired, replaced, recharged or redesigned. We will make sure you have a better plan and a better way to work your plan.
And as we work on your business... I am going to share with you how to give yourself your own private "Check Up From The Neck Up" to make sure YOU are running at your physical and mental best.
We will accomplish this together as a Team, by meeting at least once a week by phone, video conference, emails, messages, text etc to not only end this year in an AWESOME way... but also get a jump start on locking in our 2017 goals & action plans on how to accomplish them!
These 8 people will receive the best benefits taken from group coaching, one on one coaching and private masterminds, to turn all of the "I want to" goals into "I did" accomplishments.
At the risk of sounding hypie... this is a Very Special Discount Offer that I am making to the right 8 people!
Why? In order to launch this new on going mastermind / coaching program in an exciting way. I doubt that I will offer this same package again.
If you missed out on my offer for private one on one coaching last month... don't take a chance of missing out on this months group offer by not connecting with me to find out if we are right for each other.
To find out if you are one of the 8.....
Send me a PRIVATE Message and tell me briefly about your business.
There will be no cheezy sales tactics, We will simply share enough information with each other to determine whether this is the right training for YOU. Whether i am the right Coach to deliver that training to YOU. And whether YOU are the right client for ME!
If you are one of the 8 who qualify, we will get started ASAP to help you start making more money, while having more time, peace & happiness to enjoy it.
If you are not... we will simply move on as friends and I will be rooting for your success & safety.
So don't let the last of this year slip on by. Go ahead and send me a private message now.... telling me a little about your business.
Don't put this off, because this is first come, first qualified, first served. And once these 8 spots are gone... this offer will be closed.
I look forward to hearing from you today. And VERY excited to help these qualified 8 resolve their problems, improve their models, systems & statistics, while making more money and having more fun in the process.
Best of health, wealth, happiness, success & safety to you... Reg