Novichok - DO NOT pick up syringes, needles, metal, plastic or glass in the event of chemical attack!
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Novichok - DO NOT pick up syringes, needles, metal, plastic or glass in the event of chemical attack!

#Novichok means newcomer (#Новичо?к) in Russian. It is very stable with a slow evaporation rate and can remain dangerous for years once deployed. Novichok nerve agents, described in the literature as being up to eight times more toxic than nerve agent VX.

Novichok was recently used in England in an assassination attempt of Sergei (ex-spy) and Yulia (his daughter) #Skripal, and both survived and later accidental exposure of Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess happened that lead to death of them.

Accidental exposure seems to be more of a public health issue. In #Salisbury and #Amesbury events Public Health England defined the risk to the public low but as a precaution recommended members of the public to not to pick up items such as syringes, needles, cosmetics or similar objects made of materials such as metal, plastic or glass. Lessons to be learned!



