November Unboxed from Reuseabox

November Unboxed from Reuseabox

As the air turns crisp and the festive season draws near, we're 'unboxing' some exciting updates to warm your inbox.

From being named one of the UK’s top 100 small businesses to welcoming new team members, November has been full of reasons to celebrate.

Grab yourself a brew and read on - there’s plenty to discover, including a showdown between honeycomb paper and bubble wrap (who will come out no.1?) and an exclusive peek at how close our community is?to reusing 2 million boxes so far this year.

We're a top 100 small business in the UK

We're a top 100 small business in the UK

In November, we were named one of the UK’s top 100 small businesses by Small Business Saturday UK! Being part of this year’s #SmallBiz100 is an incredible honour as they celebrate the very best of independent businesses.

Honeycomb Paper vs Bubble Wrap

Honeycomb Paper vs. Bubble Wrap

We did the ultimate showdown: honeycomb paper vs. bubble wrap! But seriously, ditch the plastic and switch to a honeycomb paper alternative today

Michael, Driver at Reuseabox

We welcomed Michael to the team

Michael has recently joined the team as one of our drivers. He'll be helping us drive our mission forward (as well as delivering our used boxes to customers all across the UK!) We hope you enjoyed all the B Corp goodies in your welcome box.

Our Reuse Impact Reports

We've made it easier to see your potential impact

If you’re curious about the potential environmental impact of switching to used boxes, we've made it simple. All you need to do is tell us what box you’re currently using, and we’ll calculate your impact savings.

We're SO close to 2 million boxes reused so far this year! As part of the Reuseabox Community, you're helping to save trees, carbon, water and energy, one box at a time.

Don't forget you can share your reuse impact achievements and the importance of reuse using our media pack.

Our reuse stats so far at Reuseabox.

