November In Review
Where did November go!! We're fast approaching the end of the year, and suddenly, it feels like 2024 isn't so far away. Here is a quick review of what I posted in November.
Thanks again for all the new followers, your likes, and comments on my material. It's great to get feedback about what is interesting to you all.
OpticsDan YouTube Channel is Now Live
To start, I'll be posting short clips about the articles I publish and may expand to other topics and content in the future - check it out!
AR/VR as a Surgical Support Tool
Exciting advancements in AI, robotics, and augmented reality (AR) are transforming healthcare and improving patient outcomes. In this article, I explore how AR is becoming the go-to tool for team-based training and surgery, enabling medical professionals to work together more efficiently to perform precise diagnoses, treatments, and improved outcomes.
Interested in Spectral Sensing?
Spectral sensing technology has come a long way in recent years and has found its way into various fields, including biochemical analysis, agriculture, remote sensing, enhanced smartphone camera performance, and wearables. It's a technique to measure the light spectrum reflected or emitted from the surfaces of biological samples, the body, or fluorescence emission from labeled cells.
This technology provides high-fidelity information about the specific wavelengths in a sample, and more advanced techniques, such as hyperspectral cameras, can capture both spatial and spectral information. The advancements have led to the development of mature technology that enables high-fidelity spectral sensing to be integrated into devices like handheld medical devices and surgical imaging systems.
The Non-Linear Stage Gate Process
Time to dork out about processes ??! I admit I loved writing this article about the Stage-Gate Process and all its failings ??. Like Product Development? Interested to learn about the "Non-Linear Stage-Gate Process"? Have a read.
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