A November to Remember for Arkansas-Japan Relations

A November to Remember for Arkansas-Japan Relations


November was an exciting month for Arkansas-Japan relations, with Governor Hutchinson & Secy. Preston leading an economic development mission to engage with existing Japanese companies providing thousands of jobs in Arkansas, along with those considering setting up facilities in the state. Among these was Yamato Kogyo Co., Ltd., which has two plants in Arkansas and was celebrating the 75th anniversary of their establishment (pictured). A big congratulations to the good folks at Yamato Kogyo on this milestone!

Our delegation held a roundtable event with the Japan Business Federation (the Keidanren), led by Mr. Eiichi Yoshikawa, Chair of the Keidanren’s sub-committee on U.S. relations. Several prominent Japanese companies provided details on their overseas operations & heard about the merits of doing business in Arkansas from Gov. Hutchinson & the AEDC. Special thanks to the Keidanren for printing this thorough recap in their November newsletter: https://www.keidanren.or.jp/journal/times/2019/1121_09.html

We also held a special session with new Chargé d'Affaires Joseph Young at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, along with Minister-Councilor for Commercial Affairs Keith Kirkham. Discussion focused on methods for fostering cross-border FDI, trade negotiations with Japan & the impact of Japanese FDI in Arkansas.

Ben Walters from the AEDC and other reps from Arkansas EDOs also participated in the Gen-J Grassroots Exchange Network Program, hosted by the Japan Foundation, providing a forum for engagement & policy discussion among Japanese businesses, government bodies and U.S. institutions based in the South and Midwest.

It’s always a pleasure working with our economic development leaders here on the ground in Japan. I would encourage other regional EDOs in our state to consider similar visits in future.

A transcript of Gov. Hutchinson’s weekly radio address following activities in Japan can be found here: https://governor.arkansas.gov/news-media/weekly-address/arkansas-and-the-land-of-the-rising-sun


 私たちの代表団が日本経済団体連合会 と共に懇談会も開催しました。アメリカ委員会の連携強化部会長の吉川英一様に司会をして頂きました。いくつかの活躍的な経団連メンバー会社が国際事業に関しての講演や、ハチンソン知事とアーカンソー州経済発展庁から州のビジネス環境やビジネスメリットについてお話させて頂きました。イベントの内容要約記事を経団連タイムズのニューズレッターに掲載して頂き感謝しております。https://www.keidanren.or.jp/journal/times/2019/1121_09.html

 そして、米大使館で代理公使のジョセフ?M?ヤング様と商務担当公使のキース カーカム様とミーティングを行いました。内容は対米?対日直接投資の促進方法、日本との貿易交渉やアーカンソー州での日本からの投資のインパクトが中心となりました。

また、AEDCのベン ウォルタースと他のアーカンソー経済発展団体の代表の方々が国際交流基金のGen-Jプログラムに参加しました。このプログラムは、日本の企業、政府団体やアメリカの南部と中西部の交流会となっています。




Neal Jansen, CEcD的更多文章

