November Operations Report

November Operations Report

The month of November brings cooler temperatures, a changing of leaves, the falling back of time, and a period of reflections on giving thanks for all with which we have been blessed.?It is also a time to remember that as we may be doing well in our own personal lives and as a community, there are those around us that are less fortunate. Neighbors in our community are in need of food, shelter, clothing, and more importantly a kind word of support.?The beginning of holiday season is a time in which depression can settle in and is historically a time in which domestic violence, suicide, and drug overdoses increase.?Be mindful of your neighbors.?Check in on your relatives.?Talk to your children and your parents.?If you need assistance, you can always call and speak to a member of Team Canton.?We are One Canton and we need you.

Homeless Veteran Blanket Drive

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During the month of November, the City of Canton will be collecting blankets for homeless veterans in our community.?You can help bring a warm hug to those who have served our nation by donating a blanket.?Please bring new blankets to 151 Elizabeth Street (Public Safety & Municipal Court Complex) or 110 Academy Street (City Hall) this month.?As Veterans Day approaches on Thursday, November 11, please consider making a donation to honor our Nation's servicemen and servicewomen.


Local Elections

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Tuesday, November 2 is Election Day for Canton Residents.?You will have the opportunity to vote for the uncontested City Council races for Ward 1 (Sandy McGrew), Ward 2 (Will Carlan) and Ward 3 (Dwayne Waterman).?Additionally, Canton residents will have the opportunity to decide if distilled spirits (liquor) should be available to the public through package sales.?Lastly, all Cherokee County residents will have the ability to vote to continue the 1 cent sales tax for educational purposes (ESPLOST).?Voting on Tuesday will be at your election day precinct.

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Holiday Preparations

As we begin gearing up for the holiday season, Public Works will be preparing the City.?The downtown hanging baskets will be going up with fall plantings next week.?The City's downtown Christmas Tree, holiday lights, street light banners and the giant wreath at 151 Elizabeth Street will be going up the first two weeks of this month.?

Project Updates

Local Paving Projects--

Paving on local streets will begin November 8 and should be completed before the end of the calendar year.

Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion--

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The upgrades to the City's Water Pollution Control Plant continue to move forward. The Membrane Bioreactor Facility and Disinfection Facility will be hydrostatically?tested next month. The slab for the Biological Nutrient Removal Reactor is complete and wall panels for the facility will be set next month. Masonry work on the Administration Building is underway.


Old Ball Ground Sewer Expansion & Etowah River Trail Connection between Heritage and Boling Parks--

Construction is proceeding but work along the Etowah River has been slow due to the depth of the sewer (35-ft. Deep). Construction of the trail is scheduled to begin late 2021/early 2022.

Emergency Generators for Water Booster Pump Stations--

Construction for a new emergency generator at the Ridge Pine Water Booster Pump Station and the additional generator connections at the Highway 5 BPS and Great Sky BPS are complete. Startup of the generators is scheduled for early next month.

Water Treatment Plant Improvements--

EPD has approved the Design Development Report for the Flocculator Improvements and Intake Screen Modifications. Design has begun on the Flocculator Improvements and construction should begin in early 2022.

SR20 Road Widening & Utility Relocation--

The utility relocations for the SR20 Road Widening Project should be complete in early 2022. Completion of the project is scheduled for Dec. 2022.

Automated Meter Reading Technology--

The City is reviewing proposals for the installation of automated utility meters throughout our local infrastructure.?A recommendation to Council is expected in December.

Property and Casualty Insurance Broker of Record--

The City is reviewing qualifications for the contracting of a broker of record for the City's property and casualty insurance.?This will go to the Council for an approval in the first quarter of 2022.

Archer Street Parking Deck--

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Due to utility relocation issues, construction has been slightly delayed as originally planned. Windstream will be moving the final line next week and a notice to proceed for Astra will follow shortly after. Construction is set to begin mid November.


Harmon Park Improvements--

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Preliminary Plans have been submitted to the City. Staff is currently reviewing. A few issues have been brought to our attention with existing park features outside the property boundaries, as well as existing sewer issues. Final Design should be complete in the next few months.?Public Works is also finalizing the Community Development Block Grant improvements to the site, including trash cans, benches, edging around the playground and picnic tables.


Reservoir Drive Signal Design--

Preliminary Plans set to be submitted to the City the week of Nov. 8. Final Design should be complete in the next few months.

Marietta Hwy/Hwy 140 Intersection Design--?

Staff has completed two rounds of requests for qualifications for the Transportation Improvement Project for Marietta Hwy/Riverstone Parkway and Hwy 140 (GDOT PI#0017789). In accordance with GDOT requirements, Staff selected Michael Baker International based upon evaluation, scoring, and ranking using the pre-established RFQ criteria. Staff has worked diligently with Michael Baker consultants to develop a scope and compensation schedule that satisfies the needs of the City and follows the Local Administered Project requirements, as laid out by GDOT. Based on recommendation by GDOT, City Staff has determined a Master Professional Services Agreement will be formed and then Task Order assignments will be assigned as the project progresses. The Master Contract and Task Order 1 will be brought to Council in November.

Reinhardt College Pkwy/Hwy 140 Florida T Intersection Design--

A request for proposals has been drafted and is currently under review by GDOT. Expect this project to go to bid starting in November. Bidding process will take approximately 3 months. Engineering Firm selection should go to council in March 2022.

Transportation Master Plan--?

The City of Canton issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for professional services for the City of Canton Transportation Master Plan in September 2021. On September 28, 2021, three (3) proposals were received for review and consideration. Modern Mobility Partners has been selected by staff and will be brought to Council in November for contract approval.?

Burge Park Concept--

Atkins has submitted a proposal to the City for Burge Park Concept Planning and Survey Engineering Services. This project will include full topographic and utility survey of Burge Park and adjacent roadways. This project will also include the development of two concept plan alternatives and order of magnitude cost related to each plan. The final deliverable will be a full concept plan based on feedback of the two alternatives and a detailed cost estimate. Staff will be bringing this item to Council in November.

Riverstone Parkway Pedestrian Crossing--?

Atkins has submitted a proposal to the City for a Traffic Engineering Report for Riverstone Parkway and Hospital Drive. This proposal includes data collection, pedestrian signal warrant analysis and final recommendations. Staff will be bringing this item to Council in November

Etowah Trail Bridge Replacement--

Due to structural steel delays, the beams required for the repair will not be delivered until December. Current ETA on trail closure for this repair will be mid December to mid February. Will update as more information becomes available.

Vote for Downtown Canton

Downtown Canton has been nominated to win $25,000 from Independent We Stand America's Main Street Contest! We've been here before and came in 5th for the Nation. THIS is OUR year to be #1! YOU can get us there! Click the link and VOTE 25 times per day per IP address. Share with all your friends and let's bring the folks from Independent We Stand to the #CoolestSmallTownInAmerica!?

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Upcoming Events:

November 1 Blood Drive at City Hall

November 2 Election Day

November 4 City Council Meeting at 6 p.m.

November 5 & 6?AAC Cross Country Conference Meet at Boling Park

November 5?First Friday Downtown Canton

November 13?Downtown Canton Holiday Open House 1-5 p.m.

November 13 Veterans Parade at 3 p.m. Downtown Canton

November 17 City of Canton Christmas Tree Lighting at Cannon Park

November 18 City Council Meeting at 6 p.m.

November 25 & 26 City Offices Closed for Thanksgiving

November 26 Love Lights a Tree at 5 p.m. at Cannon Park

November 27 Small Business Saturday


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