November Newsletter
We have prepared below a summary of the news and articles we published on the SNI Blog throughout November. We look forward to keeping you informed of the latest updates and news in tax technologies.
South Korea: Mandatory e-Invoicing has already started for B2G and B2B transactions in South Korea. The scope of the implementation will expand gradually. The main effect of the implementation is that the annual sales threshold will decrease to 100,000,000 KRW (about USD 83,000) in 2023. You can read all the details of the process via this link.
Mexico: Mexico’s e-Invoicing system (named CFDI) is mandatory for all taxpayers. Taxpayers must first register with the Tax Authority (SAT) before beginning the process. For technical details and requirements, please find further information here.
Egypt: Following a decision by the ETA (Egyptian Tax Authority), from January 15, 2023, 2000 taxpayers will be required to issue electronic tax receipts for goods or services sold. It is expected that the e-Receipt system will be completed in 2023 and will be implemented in five steps. You can read the details of the process here.
Serbia: Sistem e-Faktura is the national e-Invoicing system of Serbia. According to the latest decision of the Serbian government, from January 2023 e-Invoices for B2B transactions between private entities must be issued and stored. We have compiled an updated list of the five most frequently asked questions about the Serbian e-Invoicing system. You can read more here.
Romania: The RO e-Transportation System came into effect in Romania in October 2022. There are many different details regarding the process. In order to declare products with high financial risk, three criteria must be taken into account. You can read detailed information about the Romania e-Transport process in both English and Romanian.
Turkey e-Ledger: SNI’s e-Ledger solution simplifies the process of converting and uploading all FI records from SAP to the e-Ledger format required by GIB. Automatic transfer of files, user-based authorization, and full data transmission are just some of the advantages of the e-Ledger solution. We've answered the five most frequently asked questions about the SNI e-Ledger solution, which you can read in both English and Turkish here.
Poland: KSeF (Krajowy System eFaktur) is the national e-Invoicing system of Poland. The voluntary implementation of the system began in January 2022, which will become mandatory from the beginning of 2024. More information about KSeF can be found in our article.
Malaysia: According to the latest decision of the Malaysian government, electronic invoicing will come into force in 2023. It will start as a pilot program and will be expanded gradually. For more information about Malaysia’s e-Invoicing system, please check out the news.
Bolivia: Bolivian e-Invoicing system had introduced by the tax authority in 2020. According to the most up-to-date decision, a specific group of taxpayers must issue and transmit e-Invoices and other fiscal documents from October 2022. This e-Invoicing system is an example of virtual invoicing system. We explained many critical details about the process and ways to create e-Invoice on our news.
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