November News

November News

Journeys around Quite Frankly...

We proudly announced our new website and brand identity last month, then not so proudly spent a couple of weeks fixing all the gremlins that we swore we had taken care of before we launched – so thank you everyone who has fed back. It does feel like we are all part of a community, so the different perspectives have been genuinely welcome.? And thanks also to everyone who has submitted a review on Clutch for us. It really boosts our SEO.So now as we approach the end of the year, this month is just a simple what we’ve been up to and where Quite Frankly has been.

CMD editing?

The top story has been Capital Markets Day for Diageo in New York which had pretty much the whole team creating multiple edits up against a looming deadline. All delivered, all signed off, all market sensitive, moving with agility is what we do best and the lovely thank-you note from the Comms Director, made us all feel pretty good about what we do.

Live streaming??

Back in UK we filmed and streamed our first ever fashion show. This at the HQ of Yoox Net A Porter in London’s Westfield. We don’t think the team behind the Burberry show need to start looking over their shoulders quite just yet, but a 5 camera mix with a live audience, 4 models, 4 stylists and the CEO, added complication and pressure to the production, which we’re relieved to say went 99% perfectly.

Mishcon De Reya? ?

Our Mishcon in Conversation event this month was with James O’Brian, LBC host and a man not short of a few opinions. Chatham House rules means we can’t report what was said but suffice to say if you were at a dinner party sitting next to James, you’d need to bring your A game.

Norway filming??

Duffy and Ben P donned their thermals for a shoot in Oslo for Coca-Cola. On the ground for 48 hours they filmed in factories, bars and clubs around the capital.

New York??

In New York, Catherine and the team headed upstate to work with the Development and Regeneron again – and supported Hunter with their Amazon Cyber Monday promotion. They’re now crewing up with a new client – Thomson Reuters – and are about to start filming before Christmas and then into the New Year. They’ve also been working on a series of animations for asset managers, Balyasny.


And finishing on a personal note we’re all really looking forward to seeing Sitara who’s coming from Bangalore this week to join our Christmas offsite and party. It’s been far too long.


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