November Grant Newsletter

November Grant Newsletter

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Innovative Funding Partners' Recent Successes

The?SPARC Foundation?received?$2 million from the SAMHSA NCTSI-II grant program for Family Centered Treatment Recovery efforts in Western North Carolina.

Mountain Area Health Education Center?was awarded?$4 million from SAMHSA Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Expansion Grant


Top Grant Picks

HRSA?Primary Care Training and Enhancement - Physician Assistant Rural Training (PCTE-PAR) Program

(Application Deadline: December 9, 2021)

The purpose of this program is to develop and implement longitudinal clinical rotations in primary care in rural areas. The program also supports the training and development of preceptors in rural areas. The PCTE-PAR Program is a component of the Primary Care Training and Enhancement (PCTE) Program, which functions to strengthen the primary care workforce by supporting enhanced training for future and current primary care clinicians and educators and to promote primary care practice.?LEARN MORE

HRSA Rural Residency Planning and Development Program

(Application Deadline: December 20, 2021)

The purpose of this grant program is to improve health care in rural areas by supporting the development of new, accredited, and sustainable rural residency programs in family medicine, internal medicine, preventive medicine, psychiatry, general surgery, and obstetrics and gynecology, to address the physician workforce shortages and challenges faced by rural communities. This program provides start-up funding to RRPD award recipients to create new rural residency programs that will ultimately be sustainable long-term through viable and stable funding mechanisms, such as, Medicare, Medicaid, and other public or private funding sources. For the purposes of this notice of funding opportunity, rural residencies are accredited allopathic and osteopathic physician residency programs that primarily train residents in rural training sites for greater than 50 percent of their total time in residency, and focus on producing physicians who will practice in rural communities. Rural residencies may be entirely rurally located or integrated within a larger, often urban residency program, also known as a rural training track (RTT). One common model is the 1-2 RTT format, where the first year of training occurs in an urban hospital or academic medical center, and the final two years in a rural health facility. This program aims to expand the number of physician training opportunities in rural settings and subsequently increase the number of physicians choosing to practice in rural areas. As such, RRPD funding will only support the development of new rural residency programs or RTTs and applications from existing programs will not be considered.?LEARN MORE

HRSA Rural Communities Opioid Response Program-Implementation

(Application Deadline: January 13, 2022)

This funding opportunity, RCORP-Implementation, will advance RCORP’s overall goal by strengthening and expanding SUD/OUD prevention, treatment, and recovery services to enhance rural residents’ ability to access treatment and move towards recovery. Given the complex and multifaceted nature of SUD/OUD, as well as the need to secure community buy-in and generate adequate patient volume to sustain services, HRSA requires that applicants be part of broad, multi-sectoral consortia. HRSA expects that consortia funded by RCORP-Implementation will sustain the SUD/OUD-related services in rural areas made possible by this funding opportunity both during and beyond the period of performance. The target population for the award is: 1) individuals who are at risk for, have been diagnosed with, and/or are in treatment and/or recovery for OUD; 2) their families and/or caregivers; and 3) other community members who reside in HRSA-designated rural areas, as defined by the Rural Health Grants Eligibility Analyzer. In addition to this target population, applicants are encouraged to give special consideration to rural populations that have historically suffered from poorer health outcomes or health disparities, as compared to the rest of the rural population.?LEARN MORE


Federal Healthcare Grants

FDA?Innovation Award: COVID-19 and Health Equity (U01)

(Application Deadline: November 29, 2021)

The purpose of this FOA?is to fund innovative research that will strengthen and advance COVID-19 health equity research. Areas of interest include: 1) Proposals that focus on advancing racial and ethnic minority participation in COVID-19/COVID-19 variant clinical trials and/or contribute to informing the continued evaluation of the safety and efficacy of FDA approved products (therapeutics, diagnostics, and vaccines) or products subject to EUAs/EUA expansion for the treatment, prevention, or diagnosis of COVID-19; 2) Proposals that support the evaluation of outcomes by demographic data including, but not limited to, ethnicity, race, age, disability, and geography; and 3) Proposals that support COVID-19 research to understand diverse patient perspectives, preferences, and unmet needs.?LEARN MORE

NIH?Learning Disabilities Innovation Hubs (P20)

(Application Deadline: November 30, 2021)

This FOA?invites exploratory grant applications, hereafter referred to as the Learning Disabilities Innovation Hubs or LD Hubs, addressing the etiology, manifestation, prevention and remediation of reading, writing and/or mathematics specific learning disorders (SLDs). An LD Hub includes a single research project and a Leadership Core that support the goals and aims of the LD Hub. This FOA seeks to serve as a catalyst to understand and address 1) the needs of diverse, under-represented populations in SLD research, 2) the role technology plays in improving or limiting the learning experiences of children with SLD, including the impact of remote learning on service delivery, family stress, and peer socialization, 3) investigate more complex behavioral phenotypes of learners in SLD research, 4) speed the maturation of nascent/novel, high-impact, high-risk SLD studies that advance research on SLDs and demonstrate potential to directly benefit the SLD community, policy or practice, and 5) provide project embedded, career enhancing research and professional development opportunities to support the next generation of SLD scientists. This initiative provides opportunities to support planning and building of a body of research and corresponding intellectual infrastructure to enable P20 grantees to compete for large research and program project opportunities in the future.?LEARN MORE

HRSA?Graduate Psychology Education Program

(Application Deadline: December 9, 2021)

The purpose of this program is to train doctoral health service psychology students, interns, and postdoctoral residents to provide quality interdisciplinary, integrated behavioral health including but not limited to Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and other Substance Use Disorders (SUD) into community-based primary care settings in high need and high demand areas.?The program also supports faculty development of health service psychologists. Through these efforts, the GPE Program transforms clinical training environments and is aligned with HRSA’s mission to improve health and achieve health equity through access to quality services, a skilled workforce, and innovative programs.?LEARN MORE

HRSA Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part C Early Intervention Services Program: New Geographic Service Areas

(Application Deadline: December 10, 2021)

The purpose of this program is to provide comprehensive primary health care and support services in an outpatient setting for low income people with HIV. applicants must propose to provide: (1) counseling for individuals with respect to HIV; (2) targeted HIV testing; (3) periodic medical evaluations of individuals with HIV and other clinical and diagnostic services regarding HIV; (4) therapeutic measures for preventing and treating the deterioration of the immune system, and for preventing and treating conditions arising from HIV; and (5) referrals for people with HIV to appropriate providers of health and support services. These services are to be provided directly or through referrals, contracts or memoranda of understanding (MOUs).?LEARN MORE

NIH?Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Drug Abuse Research (R21)

(LOI Deadline: December 11, 2021)

(Application Deadline: January 11, 2022)

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will support pilot, feasibility or exploratory research in priority areas in substance use epidemiology, prevention, and health services, including: 1) responses to sudden and severe emerging drug issues (e.g. the ability to look into a large and sudden spike in opioid or synthetic cannabinoid use/overdoses in a particular community); 2) responses to emerging marijuana trends and topics related to the shifting policy landscape, related to imminent policy change; 3) responses to unexpected and time-sensitive prescription drug abuse research opportunities (e.g., new state or local efforts); 4) responses to unexpected and time-sensitive medical system issues (e.g. opportunities to understand addiction services in the evolving health care system); 5) responses to unexpected and time-sensitive criminal or juvenile justice opportunities (e.g. new system and/or structural level changes) that relate to drug abuse and access and provision of health care service; 6) partnerships between researchers and state or local organizations to support the evaluation of new local policies, programs, or practices in response to public health emergencies (e.g., the opioid crisis); 7) research examining how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted drug markets and overdose risk.?LEARN MORE

AHRQ Making Health Care Safer in Ambulatory Care Settings and Long-term Care Facilities (R18)

(LOI Deadline: December 25, 2021)

(Application Deadline: January 25, 2022)

This FOA will fund large research demonstration and implementation projects that pertain to ambulatory care settings and long-term care facilities with a focus on implementing evidence-based processes to improve patient safety, especially those involving transitions in care.?AHRQ is interested in studies in these two settings that develop, utilize, and evaluate strategies to implement existing measures, metrics, tools or practices that have already been validated and have been shown to be efficacious in improving patient safety sites.?LEARN MORE

HRSA Family-to-Family Health Information Centers

(Application Deadline: January 5, 2022)

The purpose of this program is to provide information, education, technical assistance, and peer support to families of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and the professionals who serve them.?LEARN MORE

NIH?Innovative Mental Health Services Research Not Involving Clinical Trials (R01)

(LOI Deadline: January 5, 2021)

(Application Deadline: February 5, 2021)

The purpose of this FOA?is to encourage innovative research that will inform and support the delivery of high-quality, continuously improving mental health services to benefit the greatest number of individuals with, or at risk for developing, a mental illness. This announcement invites applications for non-clinical trial R01-level projects that address NIMH strategic priorities that strengthen the public health impact of NIMH-supported research. Proposed research should seek to: 1) Identify mutable factors that impact access, continuity, utilization, quality, value, and outcomes, including disparities in outcomes, or scalability of mental health services, which may serve as targets in future service delivery intervention development; 2) Develop and test new research tools, technologies, measures, or methods and statistical approaches to study these issues; 3) Integrate and analyze large data sets to understand factors affecting mental health services outcomes using advanced computational and predictive analytic approaches; and 4) Wherever possible, leverage existing infrastructure and partnerships to accomplish these goals.?LEARN MORE

CDC National Initiative to Advance Health Equity in K-12 Education by Preventing Chronic Disease and Promoting Healthy Behaviors

(Application Deadline: January 10, 2022)

The purpose of this 5-year cooperative agreement is to improve the health and well-being of children, adolescents, and school staff in underserved and disproportionately affected communities. The CDC’s Healthy Schools Branch plans to fund four nationally recognized recipients with expertise and experience providing support to CDC-funded state education agencies, districts, schools, out-of-school time providers, and the organization’s constituents in the following priority areas: Priority 1 - School Health Services: Strategies and activities support access to physical, behavioral, and mental health services for students, with emphasis on students with chronic health conditions. Priority 2 - Emotional Well-Being: Strategies and activities support emotional well-being of students and staff. Priority 3 - Healthy Out-of-School-Time: Strategies and activities support healthy eating, physical activity, and emotional well-being of students and staff in out-of-school time programs. Priority 4 - School Administrator Support and Action for Healthy Schools: Strategies and activities support adoption of Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model policies within districts and schools that address healthy eating, physical activity, and emotional well-being of students and staff. Recipients will provide support through professional development and technical assistance, dissemination, partnerships, and implementation. Expected outcomes to be achieved by the end of the 5-year period of performance include: 1) Increased use of CDC and other evidence-based tools and resources; 2) Increased adoption and implementation of evidence-based school health policies, practices, and programs among state education agencies, districts, schools, and out-of-school time programs; and 3) Expansion of school-based mental health and health services.?LEARN MORE

HRSA Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP)

(Application Deadline: January 13, 2022)

The purpose of this program is to increase the number of qualified nursing faculty nationwide. NFLP seeks to accomplish this by providing funding to accredited schools of nursing to establish and operate a student loan fund and provide loans to students enrolled in advanced education nursing degree programs who are committed to becoming nurse faculty. In exchange for completion of up to four years of post-graduation full-time nurse faculty employment in an accredited school of nursing, the program authorizes cancellation of up to 85 percent of the original student loan amount (plus interest thereon).?LEARN MORE

HRSA Rural Health Network Development Planning Program

(Application Deadline: January 28, 2022)

The purpose of the Network Planning Grant Program is to promote the development of integrated health care networks in order to: (i) achieve efficiencies; (ii) expand access to, coordinate, and improve the quality of basic health care services and associated health outcomes; and (iii) strengthen the rural health care system as a whole. This program supports one year of planning and brings together key parts of a rural health care delivery system, particularly those entities that may not have collaborated in the past, to establish and/or improve local capacity in order to strengthen rural community health interventions, and enhance care coordination. For the purposes of this program, an integrated health care network is defined as an organizational arrangement among at least three (3) regional or local health care organizations that come together to develop strategies for improving health services in a community.?LEARN MORE

HRSA COVID-19 Claims Reimbursement for Uninsured Patients

(Application Deadline: Rolling)

HRSA provides an electronic reimbursement portal for healthcare providers who have conducted COVID-19 testing or provided treatment for uninsured individuals on or after February 4, 2020. Reimbursement will be made for qualifying testing and treatment services, which include: Specimen collection, diagnostic, and antibody testing; Testing-related visits in the office, urgent care, emergency room, or telehealth; Treatment including office visits, telehealth, emergency room, inpatient, outpatient/observation, skilled nursing facility, long-term acute care, acute inpatient rehab, home health, emergency ground ambulance transportation, non-emergent patient transfers via ground ambulance, and FDA approved drugs as they become available for COVID-19 treatment and administered as part of an inpatient stay; When an FDA-approved vaccine becomes available, it will also be covered.?LEARN MORE

Forecasted Grants

HRSA?Nurse Education, Practice, Quality and Retention: Mobile Health Training Program

(Estimated Application Deadline: February 8, 2021)

The purpose of this program is to enhance the training and development of the future nursing workforce (e.g. mobile clinics, pipeline, clinical training sites, addressing health equity and social determinants of health).?LEARN MORE

SAMHSA Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Expansion Grants

(Estimated Application Deadline: TBD)

The purpose of this SAMHSA grant program is to increase access to and improve the quality of community mental and substance use disorder treatment services through the expansion of CCBHCs. CCBHCs provide person- and family-centered integrated services.?The CCBHC Expansion grant program must provide access to services including 24/7 crisis intervention services for individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) or substance use disorders (SUD), including opioid use disorders; children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance (SED); and individuals with co-occurring mental and substance disorders (COD).?SAMHSA expects that this program will provide comprehensive 24/7 access to community-based mental and substance use disorder services; treatment of co-occurring disorders; and physical healthcare.?LEARN MORE

SAMHSA Minority AIDS Initiative

(Estimated Application Deadline: TBD)

The purpose of this SAMHSA grant program is to integrate evidence-based, culturally competent mental and substance use disorder treatment with HIV primary care and prevention services.?The population of focus is individuals with a serious mental illness (SMI) or co-occurring disorder (COD) living with or at risk for HIV and/or hepatitis in at-risk populations, including racial and ethnic minority communities.?SAMHSA expects that this program will reduce the incidence of HIV and improve overall health outcomes for individuals with SMI or COD.?LEARN MORE

SAMHSA Harm Reduction Program Grant

(Estimated Application Deadline: TBD)

The purpose of this SAMHSA grant program is to expand harm reduction efforts for community-based overdose prevention programs, syringe services programs, and other harm reduction services.?Funding will be used to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases and the consequences of such diseases for individuals with, or at risk of developing substance use disorders (SUD), support distribution of opioid overdose reversal medication to individuals at risk of overdose, connecting individuals at risk for, or with, a SUD to overdose education, counseling, and health education, and encouraging such individuals to take steps to reduce the negative personal and public health impacts of substance use or misuse.?LEARN MORE

SAMHSA Substance Abuse and HIV Prevention Navigator Program for Racial/Ethnic Minorities

(Estimated Application Deadline: TBD)

The purpose of this SAMHSA grant program is to provide services to those at highest risk for HIV and substance use disorders. The program proposes to use a navigation approach (Community Health Workers, Neighborhood Navigators, and Peer Support Specialists) to expedite services for these populations. The program will provide training and education around the risks of substance misuse, provide education on HIV/AIDS, and provide needed linkages to service provision for individuals with HIV.?LEARN MORE

SAMHSA Rural Emergency Medical Services Training Grant

(Estimated Application Deadline: TBD)

The purpose of this program is to recruit and train emergency medical services (EMS) personnel in rural areas. SAMHSA recognizes the great need for emergency services in rural areas and the critical role EMS personnel serve across the country.?LEARN MORE

SAMHSA Targeted Capacity Expansion

(Estimated Application Deadline: TBD)

The purpose of this program is to develop and implement targeted strategies for substance use disorder treatment provision to address a specific population or area of focus identified by the community. The purpose of the TCE program is to address an unmet need or underserved population; this program aims to enable a community to identify the specific need or population it wishes to address through the provision of evidence-based substance use disorder treatment and/or recovery support services.?LEARN MORE

SAMHSA Services Grant Program for Residential Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women

(Estimated Application Deadline: TBD)

The purpose of this SAMHSA grant program is to provide pregnant and postpartum women treatment for substance use disorders through programs in which, during the course of receiving treatment, 1) the women reside in or receive outpatient treatment services from facilities provided by the programs; 2) the minor children of the women reside with the women in such facilities, if the women so request; and 3) the services are available to or on behalf of the women.?LEARN MORE

SAMHSA Minority AIDS Initiative: Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations at High Risk for HIV/AIDS

(Estimated Application Deadline: TBD)

The purpose of this SAMHSA grant program is to increase engagement in care for racial and ethnic minority individuals with substance use disorders (SUD) and/or co-occurring substance use and mental disorders (COD) who are at risk for HIV or are HIV positive and that receive HIV services/treatment.?LEARN MORE

SAMHSA Medication-Assisted Treatment – Prescription Drug and Opioid Addiction

(Estimated Application Deadline: TBD)

The purpose of this SAMHSA program is to expand/enhance access to medication-assisted treatment (MAT) services for persons with an opioid use disorder (OUD) seeking or receiving MAT. The desired outcomes for this program are:?1) an increase in the number of individuals with OUD receiving MAT; and 2) a decrease in illicit opioid drug use and prescription opioid misuse at six-month follow-up.?LEARN MORE

ACL?2022 Empowering Communities to Deliver and Sustain Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Programs

(Estimated Application Deadline: TBD)

Through this funding opportunity, the Administration on Aging (AoA), part of the Administration for Community Living (ACL), plans to award 6 to 8 cooperative agreements with a three-year project period, subject to availabilty of funds. It is designed to help communities reduce falls through the implementation of evidence-based falls prevention programs with two goals: Goal 1: Develop or expand capacity to significantly increase the number of older adults and adults with disabilities, particularly those in underserved areas/populations, who participate in evidence-based falls prevention programs to empower them to reduce the risk of falls.?Goal 2: Enhance the sustainability of evidence-based falls prevention programs through the implementation of one or more robust sustainability strategies, including collaboration with sustainability partner(s).?LEARN MORE


Foundation?Healthcare Grants

American Diabetes Association: Nutrition and Diabetes Research Awards

(LOI Deadline: November 22, 2021)

While many barriers to healthy lifestyles are a result of health inequities that must be addressed at the governmental level, this RFA is soliciting research to improve adoption of lifestyle modifications at the individual and community level with interventions tailored to different racial and socioeconomic groups across the life span. Importantly, applicants should indicate how the proposed research will have a significant impact (“move the needle”) on outcomes in those individuals at risk of, or living with, diabetes. This RFA will prioritize: 1) Nutritional and/or physical activity interventions that more effectively incorporate cultural or personal preferences, psychological supports, comorbid conditions, socioeconomic status, food insecurity, and other factors that may impact consistency with an eating and/or exercise plan and its effectiveness. 2) Approaches that better tailor medical nutrition therapy (MNT) and diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES) to different racial and socioeconomic groups in sustainable real-world settings. 3) Behavioral interventions that help encourage and sustain health diet and increased physical activity. Comparison and/or utilization of different delivery methods aided by wearable technology (e.g. accelerometers, continuous glucose monitors, etc.) and 4) Cost-effectiveness studies to support third-party coverage and policy change. The goal of this RFA is to identify person-centered, yet scalable, dietary and lifestyle interventions with the greatest potential for adoption and maintenance of diabetes-preventing or diabetes-mitigating lifestyles by individuals at greatest risk. The breakdown of targeted grant types is: Innovative Clinical or Translational Science, Junior Faculty Development, and Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards.?LEARN MORE

WITH Foundation: COVID-19 Response Fund and Open Cycle Grants

(Application Deadline for COVID-19 Response Fund: November 30, 2021)

(LOI Deadline for Open Cycle: December 13, 2021)

WITH Foundation is currently providing two (2) funding opportunities: the COVID-19 Response Fund and the?Open Cycle. The COVID-19 Response Fund?will specifically support healthcare service delivery models that address the needs of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) affected by long-haul COVID-19. This funding opportunity seeks to support existing COVID-19 services and clinics in being intentional in addressing the needs of adults with I/DD experiencing long-haul COVID and can also support healthcare institutions and providers to develop resources related to addressing the needs of adults with I/DD experiencing long-haul COVID.?WITH Foundation will give preference to the programs and projects that formally include and/or partner with self-advocates (or self-advocacy organizations). WITH will provide up to four (4) $50,000 grants through this opportunity. Open Cycle?Grants typically provide one year of support (usually between $30,000 and $50,000) but may cover as much as three years to support programming that warrants extended funding. Open Cycle Grants seek programs that improve delivery of healthcare to adult consumers with developmental disabilities and include at least one of the following: 1) Improve health practitioner competency through education and/or training programs; 2) Address the current inadequate reimbursement system; 3) Advance innovations in formal care coordination; 4) Enhance public awareness regarding the inadequacies of developmentally disabled care in order to advance systemic change; 5) Increase understanding of supported decision-making in healthcare settings; 6) National efforts in digital health that support designers and developers to include the perspectives/experiences of the IDD community within the design process, in order to create better technology for all; 7) Social policy research; 8) Identify and overcome barriers to high-quality healthcare access; or 9) General operating support is only considered for grantees that have previously utilized our project funding.?LEARN MORE

The Commonwealth Fund

(Application Deadline: Rolling)?

The mission of the Commonwealth Fund is to promote a high-performing health care system that achieves better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency, particularly for society’s most vulnerable, including low-income people, the uninsured, and people of color. The Fund carries out this mandate by supporting independent research on health care issues and making grants to improve health care practice and policy. In its more than 100 years, the Fund has worked by: (1) Demonstrating pioneering approaches and evaluating their results (2) Convening experts across backgrounds and disciplines (3) Publishing the results of our research and disseminating evidence. To apply for a grant from the Commonwealth Fund, please submit a letter of inquiry (LOI) using the online portal. We acknowledge LOIs upon receipt and will contact you to request additional information if needed. Applicants are typically advised of the results of their inquiries within a month and often sooner. LOIs are accepted on a rolling basis. Current funding priorities include vulnerable populations, tracking health system performance, health care coverage and access, international health policy and practice, controlling health care costs, advancing Medicare, Federal and State health policy. health care delivery system reform.?LEARN MORE?

American Legion Child Welfare Foundation

(Application Deadline: Rolling)?

The Foundation accepts proposals from nonprofit organizations for projects which meet one of the Foundation’s two basic purposes: 1) To contribute to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual welfare of children through the dissemination of knowledge about new and innovative organizations and/or their programs designed to benefit youth; and 2) To contribute to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual welfare of children through the dissemination of knowledge already possessed by well-established organizations, to the end that such information can be more adequately used by society.?LEARN MORE?

Anthem Foundation Program Grants

(Application Deadline: Rolling)?

Anthem Foundation Program Grants support ongoing community health programs with proven and measurable outcomes. Generally, our grant terms are one year, with a few exceptions (mostly for national grants). The Anthem Foundation funds specific public health-related initiatives that address disparities and social determinants that can positively affect conditions identified through our signature Healthy Generations program.?LEARN MORE?

Hearst Foundations Grants

(Application Deadline: Rolling)

The Hearst Foundations support well-established nonprofit organizations that address significant issues within their major areas of interests – culture, education, health and social service – and that primarily serve large demographic and/or geographic constituencies. In each area of funding, the Foundations seek to identify those organizations achieving truly differentiated results relative to other organizations making similar efforts for similar populations. The Foundations also look for evidence of sustainability beyond their support.?LEARN MORE?

RWJF Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health

(Application Deadline: Rolling)

Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health seeks proposals that are primed to influence health equity in the future. We are interested in ideas that address any of these four areas of focus: Future of Evidence; Future of Social Interaction; Future of Food; Future of Work. Additionally, we welcome ideas that might fall outside of these four focus areas, but which offer unique approaches to advancing health equity and our progress toward a Culture of Health. We want to hear from scientists, anthropologists, artists, urban planners, community leaders—anyone, anywhere who has a new or unconventional idea that could alter the trajectory of health, and improve health equity and well-being for generations to come. The changes we seek require diverse perspectives and cannot be accomplished by any one person, organization or sector.?LEARN MORE?


Other Grant Opportunities

Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program: GPD Capital Grant

(Application Deadline: December 6, 2021)

During the National Emergency due to COVID–19, VA announces the availability of approximately $75 million in capital grants to increase safety and reduce the risk to Veterans in GPD transitional housing who otherwise would be experiencing homelessness. Funding for grants awarded under this NOFO?is made available through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. This NOFO responds to the mounting need for equity in communities where evidence suggests that the existing supply of transitional housing is inadequate to meet the demand of unsheltered Veterans. As shown in the 2020 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report released by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development?in January 2021, although the increase in the number of Veterans experiencing homelessness between 2019 and 2020 was small (i.e. less than 1%), the increase was entirely among Veterans staying in unsheltered places. The funding offered under this NOFO will allow current GPD grantees to improve the transitional housing they offer to Veterans, potentially making transitional housing more attractive than unsheltered places for Veterans who previously were difficult to outreach. By increasing the availability of private accommodations, this funding will provide for the safety of Veterans experiencing homelessness and reduce or avoid the risk associated with shared or congregate accommodations. This is the second batch of funding in a limited series of funding opportunities designed to continue relief efforts in response to COVID-19. While the first batch of funding, made available through the CARES Act, supported a remarkable 200% more grants than originally forecasted, the funding did not reach all of the communities in need. Therefore, this second opportunity targets other communities in need, such as high-cost areas, by increasing the funding available, by continuing to focus on current GPD grantees and continuing to hold applicants to high standards. VA continues to monitor current events as they impact the transitional housing needed in communities. VA is committed to supporting community-based organizations as they transform programs and meet the challenge of providing high-quality transitional housing to Veterans experiencing homelessness.?LEARN MORE

RWJF Transforming Academia for Equity

(Application Deadline: December 6, 2021)

Academic institutions have evolved over time based upon historical priorities and interests. The result has been to continue promotion and reward structures that disproportionately advantage faculty from mainstream backgrounds who often propose traditional research approaches and topics. While institutional racism started a very long time ago, the structures and policies and their impacts have evolved and remain. Current institutional leaders play a critical role in identifying and dismantling racist, exclusionary practices and policies that ultimately impact the type and quality of health equity research produced by historically underrepresented researchers and its subsequent impact on communities and society. This initiative is designed to unpack, understand, and shape the contextual and intervening conditions necessary for underrepresented scholars to thrive professionally and personally—and in turn, be better able to contribute to and expand health equity-related research and evidence that can help build a Culture of Health.?LEARN MORE


World Justice Challenge 2022

The World Justice Challenge is dedicated to addressing structural inequities and governance weaknesses exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis. As rule of law performance continues to deteriorate globally in the wake of the pandemic, communities are falling further behind the Sustainable Development Goals’ promise to “leave no one behind.” In order to fulfill this ambition and clear the pathway to more just communities, it is critical to identify and promote effective approaches to key rule of law challenges. The Challenge will contribute to this agenda by compiling a crowd-sourced evidence base for what works, raising its strategic visibility, and strengthening an emerging network of high quality, high impact rule of law organizations, projects and policies. WJP invites entries that strengthen the foundational elements of the rule of law, support a just recovery from COVID-19, and tackle the root causes of societies’ persistent inability to deliver a dignified life for all.?LEARN MORE

Disabled Veterans National Foundation:?Capacity Building Grants

(LOI Deadline: December 31, 2021)

This?program provides grants to like-minded organizations who provide support to veterans and disabled veterans alike. The Capacity Building Grants provide support to our nation’s veterans. There’s no one-size-fits-all protocol for how a veteran overcomes the mental impacts of war, and outside of the initial recovery from physical wounds, it’s often up to the veteran to navigate his or her own way back to a normal life. These grants are awarded to organizations around the country who are addressing the mental and physical recovery of veterans. Service dogs, equine therapy, yoga, art therapy, and recreational therapy are just a few of the innovative programs that DVNF supports.?LEARN MORE

EDA's American Rescue Plan Good Jobs Challenge

(Application Deadline: January 26, 2021)

EDA’s?Good Jobs Challenge?aims to get Americans back to work by building and strengthening systems and partnerships that bring together employers who have hiring needs with other key entities to train workers with in-demand skills that lead to good-paying jobs. Through the Good Jobs Challenge, EDA is allocating $500 million to collaborative skills training systems and programs. EDA encourages efforts to reach historically underserved populations and areas, communities of color, women, and other groups facing labor market barriers such as persons with disabilities, disconnected youth, individuals in recovery, individuals with past criminal records, including justice impacted and reentry participants, serving trainees participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Women, Infants and Children (WIC), and veterans and military spouses. These systems and partnerships will create and implement industry-led training programs, designed to provide skills for and connect unemployed or underemployed workers to existing and emerging job opportunities. Ultimately, these systems are designed to train workers with the skills to secure a union job or a quality job that provides good pay, benefits, and growth opportunities. EDA will fund proposals within the following three phases, as applicable to regional needs: 1)?System Development:?Help establish and develop a regional workforce training system comprised of multiple sector partnerships; 2)?Program Design:?Develop the skills training curriculum and materials, and secure technical expertise needed to train workers; and 3)?Program Implementation:?Implement non-construction projects needed to provide workforce training and connect workers with quality jobs, including wrap-around services.?LEARN MORE

T-Mobile Hometown Grants Program

(Application Deadlines: Rolling)

T-Mobile has?partnered with Smart Growth America and Main Street America, two consulting partners with a combined experience of over 60 years working to help build stronger, more prosperous small towns and rural communities. With their?Hometown Grant program, they're?investing big in small towns by awarding up to 100 towns a year with project funding—up to $50,000 each.?LEARN MORE

Create Action Grants

(Application Deadlines: Rolling)

CREATE ACTION grants are designed to make a long-lasting impact for local organizations and the communities they serve. Selected organizations will receive direct funding, Sony Electronics products and a custom-created promotional film, as well as many other opportunities for collaboration, partnership and marketing support.?CREATE ACTION is seeking grant applicants committed to serving their local communities in areas such as STEAM/academic enrichment, workforce development, and non-profit services for underserved and under-represented groups. Our mutual goal will be to create lasting positive change within the communities you serve.?LEARN MORE

EDA Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs Including CARES Act Funding

(Application Deadline: Rolling)

Under this NOFO, EDA solicits applications from applicants in rural and urban areas to provide investments that support construction, non-construction, technical assistance, and revolving loan fund projects under EDA’s Public Works and EAA programs. Grants and cooperative agreements made under these programs are designed to leverage existing regional assets and support the implementation of economic development strategies that advance new ideas and creative approaches to advance economic prosperity in distressed communities. EDA provides strategic investments on a competitive- merit-basis to support economic development, foster job creation, and attract private investment in economically distressed areas of the United States.?Past projects have included funding for water and wastewater projects in hospitals and healthcare facilities and road infrastructure projects that would support the expansion of healthcare facilities. Funding is available for: Public Works Projects (Water and sewer system improvements, Industrial parks, Shipping and logistics facilities, Workforce training facilities, Brownfield development, Telecommunications infrastructure and development facilities.)?LEARN MORE?

USDA Economic Impact Initiative Grants

(Application Deadline: Rolling)

Economic Impact Initiative Grants provide funding to assist in the development of essential community facilities in rural communities that have extreme unemployment and severe economic depression. An essential community facility is one that provides an essential service to the local community, is needed for the orderly development of the community, serves a primarily rural area, and does not include private, commercial, or business undertakings. Examples of essential community facilities include: Healthcare: hospitals, medical clinics, dental clinics, nursing homes, assisted-living facilities Public Facilities: city/town/village halls, courthouses, airport hangers, street improvements Community Support Services: child care centers, community centers, fairgrounds, transitional housing Public Safety: fire halls, police stations, prisons, jails, police vehicles, fire trucks, public works vehicles and equipment Educational: museums, libraries, private schools Utility: telemedicine, distance learning Local Food Systems: community gardens, food pantries, community kitchens, food banks, food hubs, greenhouses, kitchen appliances.?LEARN MORE?

Funding News & Resources

The rise of hospital at home

(Healthcare Finance?- October 28, 2021)

The benefits, both economically and for the patient, have worked so well that hospitals are pursuing the model beyond the pandemic.?READ MORE

Final rule ups financial penalties to hospitals that ignore price transparency regulation

(Healthcare Finance?- November 3, 2021)

Providers speak out against 340B drug pricing cuts of nearly 30%.?READ MORE

For more information on these and other funding opportunities, please contact Innovative Funding Partners at?[email protected]?or contact one of our Senior Partners directly:

Dr. Brian Kelley?or?Louise Mathias


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