The November Edition
The Carbon Farming Foundation
Making it simpler and cheaper for farmers to integrate profitable carbon crops into their farming business.
Welcome to the latest edition of our LinkedIn newsletter! Tune in each month to receive the latest CFF project updates, business developments, and other exciting news!
To get an in-depth look into the Australian carbon farming sector, head to?Carbon Farming News?and?subscribe?to our bi-monthly newsletter.
Upcoming Webinar
Tune in for our upcoming educational webinar where we will be diving into some key lessons learnt from running a carbon project with Weelhamby Farm owner, David Martin. David will sit down with CFF Project Facilitator Helena Bowler for a warts-and-all discussion about what they’ve both learnt one year into running a mixed soil and revegetation carbon project in the Northeast Wheatbelt in WA.
Proceedings:?Thursday 17th November 2022, 2 pm AEDT / 11 am AWST.
Registration link:
Missed our last webinar with Adrian Ward from Accounting for Nature? Watch it any time, along with all our past Q&A webinars on our YouTube channel.
Learn more about Weelhamby Carbon Project
The CFF is proud to be one of the key partners facilitating the Weelhamby Carbon Project, a mixed soil & revegetation-based carbon farming project located near Perenjori in the Western Australian Wheatbelt.
The Weelhamby Carbon Project aims to prove that carbon farming is viable in low rainfall areas, without locking up productive land. The main goal of the project is to enhance farm resilience and productivity, whilst also boosting the property’s profitability and diversifying the income stream for this mixed cropping and livestock grazing enterprise.
Learn more about the project here.
Plantation Forestry Services Page
The CFF's plantation forestry services page has launched, full of educational information, guidebooks, eligibility checklists, and more!
Just head over to the CFF's Plantation Forestry page to check it out.
October Carbon Market Wrap Up
In case you missed it – we have made a snapshot of the big headlines from the Australian carbon industry in October. If you are keen to keep your finger on the pulse, follow us on Instagram or LinkedIn where we will be publishing these videos (as well as other educational content) every month.
Check out the 30-second snapshot below, or head to the October Wrap Up for the full debrief.
New to the Education Hub
Strategically Plant Your Trees To Ensure Maximum Returns
Did you know that planting your trees in the initial years of a carbon project can potentially help to avoid crediting reductions? Learn more here.
Top 5 Tools to Simplify Carbon Farming
Carbon farming got you confused? Here are our top 5 free tools that may help you gain a better understanding. Learn more here.
How to Calculate Your On-Farm Emissions
We’re here to help you further understand the emissions your farming business may produce and how you can measure them. Learn more here.
Understanding the Different Areas in a Soil Carbon Project
We’re helping you navigate your way around project areas, carbon estimation areas, emissions accounting areas, and exclusion areas. Learn more here.
Meet the CFF Team!
The first cab off the rank is Liz Mair, our newest carbon project facilitator! Watch the quick snippet below, or read her full interview with the outreach team!
Keen to chat with Liz about a carbon project? Email us at [email protected] or give us a bell at (08) 6835 1140!
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Subscribe to our LinkedIn newsletter to receive monthly snapshots of our latest company updates, new and noteworthy industry news, project updates, and more!
Otherwise, subscribe to our newsletters & news bulletin for more carbon farming content?here.