November 2021 Sports Radio Interview
Noah Perlis, MBA, J.D.
NYC FM Radio - Executive Producer. Nonprofits Pro Bono Consulting.
In November 2021, I was interviewed as a guest on his weekly internet radio broadcast, the ever enthusiastic and super-knowledgeable Dr. Bob Weil a/k/a The Sports Doctor, Sports Podiatrist discussing all things Sports, Medicine, Fitness, Wellness.
The Sports Dr. radio show is very proactive as a forum for many authors and groups with a message for mental and physical health to treat or prevent illness.?For over 50 years Dr. Bob has been a sports podiatrist with National and Olympic Champions, inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame, and appreciates the importance athletics can play for all ages.
My summary of adult sports activity, with a focus on track events.?
(Here is the audio link to the full broadcast:)
Approaching age 40 a few decades ago, I discovered the world of adult runners over age 35 still competing in track & field, designated “Masters Competition.”?Varsity track was far behind me, but with an interest in weight loss, good health, and curious if I might race again, I decided to start jogging to regain some level of fitness and possibly speed, cautiously, and to possibly compete for fun.
Masters competition is well organized, with many teams, coaching, participants from ages 25 to 106, track meets indoor and outdoor, and championships at local, regional, national, and international levels for competitors of all abilities.?
Competition is within 5-year age brackets and has been extended in the last few decades into the 80s, 90s, 100s, and in recent years for the first time 105!?Race results are shared and measured in an age-grading method to compare to world bests from any age group, with rankings and awards available for high achievement.
Training and competing allows for improved mental and physical health, stress reduction, socialization with others who are generally very supportive, opportunity to travel to track meets in many cities, and can last a lifetime with some caution and a bit of luck to recover from inevitable strains and injuries, especially if pushing one’s limits.
The benefits include keeping active and feeling young; a favorite saying when pushing the limits is that “the mind thinks the body is 20 years younger, and the body thinks the mind is an idiot.”
In my case I was able to avoid most major injuries for the better part of 30 years and become competitive, culminating after age 70 in national and one world age-group relay record in the 4 x 400m indoors in 2018.??
Running and other Masters sports competitions, including road races, biking, swimming, softball, tennis, and golf, not only benefits elite performers, but the vast majority who are not setting records and those who participate without competing.?Many events and races have become virtual as well, some only virtual, where any location can allow for comparisons and provide participation awards for a souvenir and acknowledgment of the effort and achievement.
As a retired attorney, with decades of varied business experience, I also mentor students, businesses, and not for profit groups, pro bono.?The last few years had me active in the commercial world for visual artists in producing and exhibiting in gallery locations in Manhattan, where I focused on emerging artists, and used the spaces to donate to not-for-profit groups for their events.?Races and athletic events, as well as art sales and art auction formats, are useful to raise funds and provide needed cause awareness for charities, and the artists.
My takeaways:
?1. The “races” appear to be to the swiftest, often profiled, but the real winners are all who participate.?The highest regard is for those who manage, often against great physical and mental challenges, to do their best and push their personal limits, versus the limelight for award winners or even record setters.?The slowest, with or without disabilities, often gain the most visible encouragement and respect.
2. Special awareness is critical for older adults, including those who may perform exceptionally well in their sport, NOT to confuse success or feeling good with good health.?Regular physical exams screen for underlying conditions, which are often asymptomatic, to minimize or avoid serious damage or injury.?The other related issue is to pay attention to any chronic pain, injury, or discomfort, starting from the feet up being a focus for needed stability and good mechanics.?
3. In March 2022 the 3-day National Indoor Track & Field Masters Championship will be held at the fabled Armory Track & Field Center in upper Manhattan.?ANYONE can enter any of the many running, jumping, and field events, with NO minimum performance standards.?The major association for organized racing in the U.S. is the USATF, which has an online website to learn more about participating.?
For a few minutes, or a few seconds, former runners can regain their memories of youth, and all can enjoy the fun of competing to an appreciative audience which may include family and friends, with or without joining a track club.?I advise some careful, patient training, and many coaches and teams are available for support.
A membership with a small fee allows participation. There are links to regional associations listing available recreational and competitive running clubs and events.?Another helpful website publishes 5-year age group results in each event for rankings.
Good article. Thank you for sharing!