November 14, 2020 Scorpio New Moon Soul Vibe
Mark Edward Pyle
Published Author/Founder & Chief Esoteric Education Officer at On The 7's Mastered Self Academy
Saturday November 14, 2020 @ 9:07 PM PST, we experienced the Scorpio New Moon Exact Station Event. On the heels of Mars Direct Station Event on November 13, 2020, after 2.5 months of Retrograde Motion, this Scorpio New Moon is packed with Intense and Passionate New Beginnings Energy, Emotional and Physical Transformations Energy and Move Productively Forward with Positive Motivation Energy. Taking everything into consideration concerning the current Social Climate, we are at a Cosmic Crossroads and Societal Turning Point, turning the corner of Truth, Honesty and Integrity. Where we go and Grow, from this point, will be determined by how serious each of us is about Equity, Fairness, Liberty and Justice, first to and for ourselves, individually and then for Society and Humanity, collectively. This Scorpio New Moon will expose our Individual Behaviors, Philosophies and Belief Systems, exaggerating the Benefits, Flaws and Faults, for each of us to examine and make the necessary individual and collective changes in order to Align with the Cosmic Energy of Individual Transformation, Inter-Personal Reconciliation and Human Equality. Swift and Crushing Karma comes to those of us that fail to Align with this Comic Energy. The Energy of this Scorpio New Moon is Full of Optimism for a Better Future and gives each of us access to resources to assist us in Manifesting Our Mastered Self Goals, Desires and Active Pursuits. Now is the TIME for each of us to Lead with Our Values Up Front. Take the First Steps Toward Your Liberty, Bliss and Peace by making it a point to never reduce your value for the sake of fitting in or for getting along. Step Away from all of the Negative, Toxic and Corrosive GroupThink Rhetoric and make a Personal Choice to Self-Determine and Self-Validate Your Own Directions, Destinations and Decisions. Manifest Justice, Personally, One Associations, Situation and Endeavor, At A Time. Confront Those Dysfunctional Relationship Undercurrents that obstruct your progress and remove all Negative, Toxic and Low-Level Vibrational Associations, Situations and Endeavors that rob each of us of our Time, Talent and Treasury and Focus Only On What You Can Change, Control or Construct, Personally. Take some time to Celebrate The Small Victories and Successes that we each have achieved, and steady yourself for the tremendous journey we are all embarking upon. Start That Online Business, Write That Book, Develop That App, Apply For That Promotion, Paint That Portrait, Sing That Song, Lose That Weight, Manifest That New Transportation, Enroll In That Course, Solidify That Relationship, Invent That Gadget and Do Any Other THAT that needs to be done, with Intense passion, Conviction and Commitment and Trust The Entire Process of Manifestation. Start Today and You Will Be One Day Closer to Actualizing Your Goal. Now Is The Time To Stop Talking About "IT" and To Start Being About "IT". What You Plant and Feed, Will Definitely Grow! Take Ownership of Your Own Attitudes and Responsibility for Your Actions and Start Happening To LIFE Instead Of Allowing Life To Happen To YOU!
Your Mastered Self Awaits YOU!