November 11

November 11

By: Unknown


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  • Sensitive and idealistic, you are an energetic Scorpio with tremendous mental potential if you are willing to discipline yourself through focusing on your objectives. Versatile and imaginative, you need to express your creative and emotional power. Composure and perseverance are often the keys to your success, and you are bound to make an impression by specializing in a particular area.
  • The subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Pisces, implies that you are receptive and highly intuitive, with psychic powers or a sixth sense. Although you constantly come up with remarkable ideas, a tendency to worry may undermine your convictions and self-esteem. This suggests that a pragmatic approach combined with poise and imagination are your balancing factors. Since you are receptive to vibration and rhythm, you may be creatively inclined or find music to be a positive influence.
  • Through being broad-minded and tolerant, you realize the infinite possibilities that are available to you. Although adventurous and keen on personal freedom, sharing and cooperative effort usually take you farther than traveling alone will. By seeing everything as a learn-ing experience and listening to your inner voice, you come to value both your reason and intuition.
  • When you are aged eleven through forty, your progressed Sun is in Sagittarius, emphasizing a need for optimism and expansion through study, travel, or your personal quest for truth. At age forty-one, when your progressed Sun moves into Capricorn, there is a turning point as you start to take a more pragmatic, persistent, and realistic approach to life. At the age of seventy-one, when your progressed Sun enters Aquarius, you place more emphasis on new ideas, freedom, and companionship.
  • As you are able to put yourself in other people's positions, you are a good psychologist or advisor. A natural inclination for business combined with good organizational skills is likely to aid you in any career. With your love of knowledge and talent for communication, you could excel in teaching, science, or writing. By educating yourself, you are able to make the most of your potential. Occupations connected to the public or involving foreign lands could satisfy your love of variety and stop you from becoming bored. A need for service or being of use to your community can help you keep your feet on the ground and give you emotional satisfaction.

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November 11 Birthday: Personality

On this day, people who work off karmic debts are born.?Their life will be full of difficult trials, betrayals, persecutions.?Only through the recognition of their mistakes, through changing themselves, through repentance, they can change the conditions of life.?

If they cannot understand that only by doing good, by forgiving, by showing mercy, one can change one’s fate, if one does not embark on the path of good and evolution, then their life will be yellow and joyless.

Complex personalities born on November 11 often have a pleasant, even bright appearance, which hides the depth, ambiguity, reticence and secretiveness of their nature.?Skillfully managing the environment, those born on this day direct their claims to those people, objects or activities that are important to them.?

Communication with the twilight side of their personality in a strange way makes them humor and gives them a sense of funny (which is typical for many good comedians).?

Those born on this day are by nature good family men, homeland advocates and miners who, more than anything else, love to be at the center of a family celebration or celebration.?Usually, such people are endowed with the talent of an organizer who is able to give harmony to any professional organization or social group in which they find themselves.?

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Born 11 November they have physical magnetism and know how to use their attractiveness.?However, the flip side of their charm is the tendency to succumb to the charms of other magical figures.?

Men and women born on this day are usually marked by a harmonious combination of male and female principles in their personality.?Due to this peculiarity, they, as a rule, make friends equally easily among representatives of both sexes.?

However, men born on November 11 should not cultivate the habits of a male, and women should perhaps slightly moderate their ardor in arranging other people’s affairs.?Born on this day are able to express their opinion in a very captivatingly convincing manner.?

They instinctively know how to achieve their goal, successfully tacking between aggressiveness and passivity.?Moreover,?they are able to curb their energy and wait patiently.?

Unfortunately, when it comes to making urgent decisions, waiting for those born on November 11 may result in an irretrievable loss of time.?They also have a clear tendency to reverie, which sometimes translates into inaction and depression.?

Partly, the problems of those born on November 11 are caused by constant contradictions between the internal essence and its external manifestations.?Others can be amazed at how unconditionally capable people waste their talents, healthy ambitions, and damage their careers.?

Those born on this day often seem destined for great achievements, but instead they disappear into obscurity, and primarily because of their obsessive fears and desire for security.?

For this reason, to achieve the goal, they are more than anyone else,?it is necessary to develop willpower.?A prolonged absence of life guidelines inevitably leads to frustration and suppressed volcanic anger, which can at any moment break out in the presence of the people most dear to them.?

Those born on November 11 can easily cope with temporary setbacks and disappointments and rarely allow anger to cloud their heads.

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November 11 Birthday: Health

Born 11 November, paying much attention to the physical aspects of life, can become slaves of your body.?Although these people are well aware of their health problems, they are often too zealous in treating themselves and their loved ones.?

In addition, because of the tendency to fall under the influence of those around them, they should not trust doctors or new-fangled medicines and treatment methods too much.?

Active physical exercises, such as aerobics, dancing, running and gymnastics, are highly recommended, but competitive sports are not suitable for them.?It is necessary to limit the love of coffee, cigarettes, alcohol and all kinds of stimulants, since there is a danger of becoming dependent on them.


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