Novels. Scripts. Novela
A man who grows up through chaos will endure to create calm and balance within his mind - MKDS.
My name is Marcus De Storm, though I have many names that exist across the Internetwork: Creator of The Network in 1999, brought together enriched and creative minds, while later, it was that of The Red Hive that gave one of the most visited websites of millions per day (30 million per month).
With so many ideas a vent was needed. Since 2010, the year my company Storm Multimedia Technologies Ltd fell to the traits and demands of politics, there has been a progression of certain types wanting - or needing - to follow me on here. Unfortunately, I am in no need of sales reps or digital website designers, nor have I a need for anyone, company, or individual who wants to expand their business by offering my connections discounts on services leading to difficulties.
HiveQuilibrium, North Gable Productions/Projects, and StaRyson are serious about both insight and knowledge while maintaining a steady stream of ideas in the creation of books, scripts, and future innovations for the benefit of the world. Access, however, to the many projects we have is limited. It remains limited for the simple reason we have yet to find serious enough, trustworthy companies and individuals to share our invested interests. Of the few, we are happy to share the creations, as with the many not so much.
While we offer exclusivity and uniqueness all around with our offerings, we sit in the hope that everyone in the future will get to enjoy our creations, whether this be in literature, television, cinema, or technology never even thought possible.
A man seeking profit over pride will find only the thirst for greed and inherit that of regret, bitterness, and self-loathing - MKDS