Novel Corona Will Change Our World for Good?
Amboriish Nath
Content Research, Writing, Book Publishing, Printing & Online Distribution
How COVID will/has changed the world.
I intend to make a video on it but for now, this small snippet should be fine.
With recent covid outbreak, our world has crumbled within 60 days and this is just the beginning. Tribals, Jarawa's must be laughing at us if they knew about it.
You might take reference from V for Vendetta where biological warfare is used to control population but I won't get into that now.
This outbreak will change economies and yes this will force us to implement blockchain our real lives.
Our whole system will look like coronavirus (hub and spoke model - interconnected but distant)
too much travel and human interaction has caused this to spread rapidly from Wuhan to more than 120+ countries, infecting millions and killing thousands
Every business has to understand and adapt work from home i.e. hub and spoke model of working as you don't want to have a centralised way of work, think of it that you are moving to cloud from your own server installed in your based and it has caught fire.
This lockdown should have been done by China so the rest of the world wouldn't have to suffer from this onslaught but what's done is done! now its damage control time. Maybe 5-10 years down the line if we will look back and realise how this shock forced our entire world civilisation to move back to the stone age and work towards reverse globalisation
We have to integrate blockchain system into our lifestyle where automation and scalability will take place, this is the coming dawn of AI/ML where people working on it will be killing it and we desperately need it! when you have 10 million infected and 10 doctors, what you do? you use scalability and automation to handle and cope us with the stress else we cannot survive. We, humans, have multiplied too early and evolved too late to handle this kind of pandemic
Like Thanos, nature will balance the world and its brutal!
Please take care of your loved ones, keep clean, stay alert and pray! Adopt, don't run away from the hospital when you are put in quarantine