Novant Health, NFL share strategies for integrating mental well-being into your team’s performance playbook
Novant Health Employer Solutions
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It takes more than peak physical conditioning to be a professional athlete. In recent years, research has increasingly shown the important role psychological factors and mental well-being play in achieving top performance. Dr. Joanne Perry, Novant Health’s senior director of Sports Psychology, specializes in athlete mental health and mental aspects of performance, working with high-performing professional sports teams to integrate wellness programs. For nearly a decade, Dr. Nyaka NiiLampti has been helping professional football players move the chain by helping them focus on mental wellness, first as director of Player Wellness for the NFL Players Association and today as vice president of Wellness and Clinical Services for the NFL.
Today, Dr. Perry and Dr. NiiLampti spoke at HERO Forum24, sharing best practices that are equally applicable, whether on a football field or a factory floor. HERO Forum24, an annual event hosted by the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO), brings thought leaders together from all corners of industry to share ideas and innovations in workplace health and employee well-being. With mental well-being and behavioral health top of mind for so many employers, HERO Forum24 presents a tremendous opportunity for organizations to network and learn from one another about how to foster a healthy and thriving workforce.
“Historically, a lot of organizations have equated mental wellness as the absence of mental illness. But the reality is wellness is a spectrum, and it’s crucial to prioritize mental wellness at every stage. Physical performance and mental performance are inextricably linked, and prioritizing mental wellness is essential to creating a culture where team members are able to thrive.” said Dr. NiiLampti.
The same measurable impact on performance seen in professional sports can be seen in healthcare itself. Doctors, nurses, and team members with a positive sense of well-being tend to experience greater job satisfaction, which correlates with an increased likelihood of meeting organizational goals. But when team members experience high stress, turnover surges, along with increased absenteeism and decreased performance. As both a practicing psychologist at Novant Health and team psychologist for multiple professional sports teams based in Charlotte, Perry has seen the challenges from multiple perspectives.
“This isn’t just about team members feeling good, although that is important. It’s about tangible benefits, both for the organization and for the individuals we serve. Unmanaged stress has a direct impact on performance. In sports, that could mean lost games. But in healthcare, the stakes are much higher,” explained Dr. Perry.
At its heart, fostering mental well-being within an organization begins with culture. Creating a sense of belonging and connection provides a powerful antidote to burnout, particularly for those in roles with limited opportunities for time off or balance during peak periods. In keeping with that theme, the session emphasized the importance of incorporating mental skills into daily routines to strengthen mental performance. Such routines provide an increased sense of control. When coupled with mindfulness, breathwork and imagery exercises, the effect can be significant – especially in the most stressful of work environments.
Although the challenges presented by unmanaged stress may seem universal across many organizations and industries, NiiLampti and Perry emphasize that the most effective wellness resources are purposefully targeted for specific groups, experiences or situations. For an athletic team, that could mean providing specific resources for those grappling with injury. For a surgeon, that might mean a brief “reset ritual” between patients.
“Building a successful and sustainable mental well-being program demands buy-in at all levels of an organization. It requires a visible, on-site provider who can provide the support team members need, when they need it. But most important, it must deliver measurable results – tangible, real benefits that both team members and leadership alike will seek out,” said Seb Girard, chief people and belonging officer at Novant Health.
Interested in learning more about integrating mental well-being strategies to strengthen your team’s performance? Contact us at Novant Health Employer Solutions.