Noval binder for iron ore briquette

Noval binder for iron ore briquette

#ironorebriquettebinder #binderforironorecoldpressbriquette #ironorebriquette #ironoreagglomerate #ironbriquetteadhesive #valeironorebriquette #Chinabindermanufacturer

What is the best type of iron or concentrate for iron ore briquette?

There are 3 types of iron ore concentrates that can be made into briquette: hematite, magnetite, limonite.

In general, hematite is often considered the best choice for iron ore briquettes due to its higher iron content and favorable properties for steelmaking. However, magnetite is also a strong competitor, especially if it is upgraded. Limonite is less commonly used for briquettes due to its lower Fe content but can be utilized depending on specific requirements and blending strategies.

Why make iron ore fines into briquette?

Several reasons to make the iron ore fines into briquette:

Dust Control;

Enhanced Efficiency in Metallurgical Processes;

Reduction of Waste;

Improved Pelletizing and Smelting;

Environmental Benefits;

Which furnace of the briquette will be charged to?

Blast Furnace;

Direct Reduction Furnace;

Electric Arc Furnace;

What is the use of briquette in different furnace?

Blast Furnace, In a blast furnace, iron ore briquettes are used as a charge material to produce molten iron.

Direct Reduction Furnace, In direct reduction furnaces, briquettes can be used to produce direct reduced iron (DRI) or sponge iron.

Electric Arc Furnace, In electric arc furnaces, briquettes can be used as part of the charge along with scrap steel or direct reduced iron (DRI).

How our binder will help on iron ore briquette?

1. The binder can be customized;

2. It brings high strength for the briquette;

2. Less dosage with high induration and durability;

4. Easy to use, it should be easy to operate and no harness;

5. It can't bring hazardous chemicals to briquettes;

We have lots of binder experience in this industry, supplied many clients in China, if you have any quesitons pls contact me directly.

[email protected]


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