Nov 24 – My prayer – Psalm 141:1-2
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
Nov 24 – My prayer – Psalm 141:1-2
One of the main things that we see in the psalms is David laying his situation before the Lord. Here
He is calling out to the Lord. David wanted the Lord to come quickly. It is obvious that the need was immediate. He says, “Lord hear my voice as I call to you.” It was David’s desire that his prayer would be
Like incense. A sweet smell in the nostrils of the Lord. One of the practices of the tabernacle priests would to offer incense daily to the Lord.
As David did his daily prayers a priest would be off to the side offering incense. As David lifted his hands on worship the smell of the incense would make its way to David’s nostrils and its sweet flavor
Would remind him of the presence of the Lord. There is a sweet flavor to the worshipper. In that moment we are worshipping the Lord in spirit and in truth. Prayer and worship will unlock your divine intervention today. So today worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness and receive divine intervention today.