Notorious markets, cross-border RMB, and technologies prohibited from export

Notorious markets, cross-border RMB, and technologies prohibited from export

Terms to note from recent PRC Ministry of Commerce press conferences:

  • Wi-Fi6和Wi-Fi7 / WiFi 6 and 7?

- 据报道,拜登政府已停止批准美国公司向华为出口大多数产品的许可证。其中包括5G级别以下的产品,如4G、Wi-Fi6和Wi-Fi7、人工智能以及高性能计算和云计算产品。?

It is reported that the Biden administration has stopped approving licenses for U.S. companies to export most items to Huawei, such as items designed for 4G application, WiFi 6 and 7, and certain cloud-computing items.?

  • 半导体 / semiconductor?

- 美方近年来不断泛化国家安全概念,滥用出口管制措施,胁迫他国采取贸易保护做法,阻碍半导体等产品的正常国际贸易,威胁全球产业链供应链稳定,损害世界和平发展利益。中方对此坚决反对。?关于中国与日本、荷兰的半导体贸易问题,我们希望有关方面恪守国际经贸规则,履行各自在WTO规则项下的各项义务,维护半导体等产品正常国际贸易。中方愿与各方一道共同维护全球产业链供应链稳定。?

Over the past few years, the US has been overstretching the concept of national security, abusing export control measures and coercing other countries to take trade protectionist measures. Such practices have disrupted normal international trade in semiconductors and other products, destabilized global industrial and supply chains and undermined world peace and development. China is resolutely opposed to this.?... With respect to China’s semiconductor trade with Japan and the Netherlands, we hope relevant parties can abide by international trade rules, fulfilled their WTO obligations and uphold normal international trade in semiconductors and other products. China stands ready to work with all sides to ensure the stability of global industrial and supply chains.?

- 道,根据美国与日本和荷兰最近达成的协议,美国与半导体相关的对华出口管制将扩大到日本和荷兰的企业。?

According to the latest agreement the US has reached with Japan and the Netherlands, the US export control on semiconductor-related products targeting China will be expanded to Japanese and Dutch companies.?

- 我们在这里想要指出的是,美国滥用出口管制措施,阻碍芯片等产品的正常国际贸易,将对全球半导体供应链造成扭曲,对国际贸易造成扰乱。?

The?US’s abuse of export control measures has hindered normal international trade of chips and other products. It distorts the global supply chain of semiconductors and disrupts global trade.?

- 世贸组织货物贸易理事会近日在瑞士日内瓦举行正式会议。针对美国近期出台的《通胀削减法》中多项贸易歧视性和扭曲性补贴措施、美国扰乱全球半导体产业链和供应链的系列政策措施,中国代表团表达了严重关切。?

The WTO Council for Trade in Goods recently held a meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. The delegation of China expressed serious concern about discriminatory trade measures and trade-distorting subsidies in the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act, as well as U.S. policies and measures that disrupt the global industrial and supply chains of semiconductors.?

- 美国政府不久前出台了针对中国的芯片禁令。有报道称,美国正在努力应对这一禁令带来的意外后果,防止新措施损害美国自身的半导体供应链。?

The US government introduced new export bans on China’s chip industry not long ago. According to reports, the US is scrambling to tackle unintended consequences of the new policy that could inadvertently harm the semiconductor supply chain.?

  • 恶名市场 / notorious market?

- 中方注意到美方近日发布的所谓“恶名市场”名单。中方认为,报告引述的情况未经调查核实,结论是不客观、不公正的。美方将中国一些企业和市场列入名单,却又声称“名单未对违法行为进行认定,也不反映美国政府对相关国家总体知识产权保护和执法环境的分析”,这是非常不专业、不负责任的做法。中方对此坚决反对。?

China has taken note of the list of so-called "notorious markets" [假冒和盗版恶名市场评估 jiǎ mào hé dào bǎn è míng shì chǎng píng gū] recently released by the U.S. China believes that what was quoted in the report has not been investigated and verified, and the conclusion is not objective nor fair. The United States listed some enterprises and markets from China, but claimed that "the NML does not make findings of legal violations nor does it reflect the U.S. Government’s analysis of the general IP protection and enforcement climate in the countries connected with the listed markets. " This was very unprofessional and irresponsible, and China firmly opposes that.?

  • 假冒和盗版恶名市场评估 / Notorious Markets for Counterfeiting and Piracy (review issued by the Office of the United States Trade Representative)?

- 近日,美国贸易代表办公室发布《2022年假冒和盗版恶名市场评估》。?

Recently, USTR released the 2022 Review of Notorious Markets for Counterfeiting and Piracy.?

  • 紧急援助 / emergency assistance; emergency aid?

- 首批将向土耳其提供4000万元人民币紧急援助,包括派遣救援队和提供土方急需的救灾物资;向叙利亚提供3000万元人民币紧急援助,包括现汇援助及叙方急需的救灾物资。?

In the first batch, an emergency assistance worth RMB40 million, including a rescue team and critical supplies, is designated for Türkiye, and an emergency assistance worth RMB30 million, including cash assistance and critical supplies, is designated for Syria.?

- 联合国、国际红十字会与红新月会联合会均呼吁为叙利亚灾民提供紧急援助,避免当地人道主义局势进一步恶化。?

The UN and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies have called for emergency aid to Syria to avoid further deterioration of its humanitarian situation.?

- 面对当前重大地震灾害,中方将全力施以援手。中国政府已经第一时间启动紧急人道主义援助机制,首批将向土耳其提供4000万元人民币紧急援助,包括派遣重型城市救援队、医疗队,并提供土方急需的救灾物资。?

In the wake of the devastating earthquakes, the Chinese side will do all it can to assist. The Chinese government immediately activated the emergency humanitarian assistance mechanism. Our first batch of 40 million-yuan emergency aid will be on its way to Türkiye, including heavy urban search and rescue teams, medical teams, and urgently needed disaster relief supplies.?

- 中方对巴基斯坦人民遭受特大洪灾深表同情,将追加提供紧急援助,帮助巴基斯坦灾后重建,支持巴方恢复灾后农业生产,加强防灾减灾、应对气候变化合作。?

China expressed deep sympathies to the Pakistani people over the devastating floods that have hit the country, and will provide additional emergency relief to help with post-flood reconstruction. China supports Pakistan’s efforts to revive agricultural production, and will strengthen cooperation with Pakistan on disaster prevention and relief and climate change.?

- 中方率先做出拯救巴经济、助巴抗洪的决定,包括提供紧急援助和减缓债务等。?

Lifesaving decisions for our economy were made first and foremost by China as far as our floods are concerned—not only the immediate aid relief but also as far as our loan payments are concerned.”?

  • 粮食援助 / food aid; food assistance?

- 。。。商务部加快推进向叙利亚提供粮食援助项目,其中220吨小麦正在运抵叙利亚途中,余下3000余吨大米和小麦将于近期发运。?

... MOFCOM is moving faster to implement the food assistance program for Syria. Two hundred and twenty tons of wheat is on its way to Syria, and the rest 3,000 tons of rice and wheat will be shipped soon.?

- 我们也非常关注叙利亚地震的情况。为了表达中国政府和人民对叙利亚政府和人民的慰问和支持,中方决定向叙利亚方面提供3000万元人民币紧急人道主义援助,包括200万美元现汇援助和叙方急需的救援物资,同时加快落实正在实施的粮食援助项目。中方相关主管部门也将同叙利亚方面通力配合,确保上述援助尽快落实,帮助叙利亚方面抗震救灾、救助灾民。?

We are also closely following the situation in Syria in the wake of the earthquake. To convey our government and people’s sympathy and support for the Syrian government and people, China has decided to provide 30 million-yuan emergency humanitarian aid to Syria, including two million US dollars of cash assistance and urgently-needed relief supplies. At the same time, we are also speeding up the delivery of ongoing food aid programs. Relevant Chinese departments will work in close coordination with the Syrian side to make sure the aid can be delivered as soon as possible to help Syria’s relief efforts.?

- 践行正确义利观,加快推进“九项工程”,支持非洲自主发展。积极提供疫苗和粮食援助,纾解非方燃眉之急。?

We have acted on the principle of pursuing the greater good and shared interests to accelerate the implementation of the nine programs of China-Africa cooperation, and supported Africa’s self-sustained development. We have donated vaccines and provided food assistance to Africa to meet its pressing needs.?

- 根据阿富汗人民的需要,中方正加快落实向阿富汗提供价值2亿元人民币的紧急人道主义援助。你提及的这批疫苗和注射器正是上述援助的一部分。此外,为帮助阿富汗民众度过严冬,中方将再向阿方提供价值3000万元人民币的粮食援助。?

In light of Afghan people’s needs, China is stepping up efforts to deliver on the 200 million RMB worth of emergency humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan. The vaccines and syringes you mentioned are part of the assistance. Besides, to help the people survive the harsh winter, China will provide another 30 million RMB worth of food assistance.?

  • 全球创新指数报告 / Global Innovation Index Report (issued by the World Intellectual Property Organization)?

- 世界知识产权组织发布的《2022年全球创新指数报告》显示,中国名列第11位,整体排名连续7年保持上升势头。?

According to the Global Innovation Index 2022 Report released by the World Intellectual Property Organization, China ranked the 11th, and its overall ranking continued to move up for seven consecutive years.?

- 今年9月,世界知识产权组织发布的《2021年全球创新指数报告》显示,中国在创新领域的全球排名升至第12位,成为唯一一个进入前30名的中等收入经济体,超过日本、加拿大等发达经济体。?

According to the 2021 edition of the Global Innovation Index (GII) published in September, China moved up the ranks to the 12th place in the GII and stands as the only middle-income economy in the list of top 30. This ranking is above some developed economies like Japan and Canada.?

  • 中国禁止出口限制出口技术目录 / China’s Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited and Restricted from Export?

- 近期,根据《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》和《中华人民共和国技术进出口管理条例》,商务部、科技部对《中国禁止出口限制出口技术目录》进行了修订,近日刚刚结束公开征求意见工作。需要指出的是,目录并不针对某一特定行业。在征求意见过程中,我们收到了对光伏相关技术等条目的反馈意见。下一步,我们将会同有关部门认真研究,吸纳合理建议。?

Recently, according to the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations on Technology Import and Export Administration of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Science and Technology have revised the Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited and Restricted from Export, and they have just concluded the public consultation. It should be noted that the catalogue is not about a particular industry. While soliciting opinions, we received feedback on PV-related technologies and other entries. In the next step, we will do a careful study with relevant departments and draw on sound suggestions.?

Read in parallel:

  • 5个一批 / five batches?

- 经专家评审并向社会公示,近日商务部等14部门确定了北京、上海、江苏、浙江、福建、湖南、广东、重庆、新疆9个地区为内外贸一体化试点地区。下一步,试点地区将重点围绕“5个一批”推进工作,具体来说就是:培育一批内外贸一体化经营企业,打造一批内外贸融合发展平台,形成一批具有国际竞争力、融合发展的产业集群,解决一批市场主体内外贸一体化经营遇到的实际问题,形成一批可复制推广的经验和模式,建立健全促进内外贸一体化发展体制机制。商务部将会同相关部门加强试点工作指导,及时总结试点经验,并在全国复制推广,促进内外贸高效运行、融合发展,更好服务构建新发展格局。谢谢。?

Following the review of a panel of experts and public notice, 14 departments, including MOFCOM, identified 9 regions as pilots for the integration of domestic and foreign trade, namely, Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing, and Xinjiang. For the next steps, the pilots will revolve around ‘five batches’ in their related work. To be specific, they will foster a batch of enterprises integrating domestic and foreign trade in their operations; build a batch of development platforms integrating domestic and foreign trade; cultivating a batch of industrial clusters with international competitiveness and integrated development; address a batch of real-life problems facing market entities integrating domestic and foreign trade; and form a batch of replicable and scalable experience and models to establish and perfect institutions and mechanisms for integrating domestic and foreign trade. MOFCOM will work with related departments to strengthen guidance for the pilot work, and summarize experience in a timely manner for nationwide rollout, so as to promote the efficient integration of domestic and foreign trade and better serve the new development paradigm. Thank you.?

  • 境外经贸合作区 / overseas economic and trade cooperation zone; overseas trade and economic cooperation park?

- 鼓励依托自贸试验区和自由贸易港、境外经贸合作区等开放平台,发挥相关资金、基金以及出口信用保险等支持作用。?

We will give better play to the supporting role of capitals, funds and export credit insurance based on open platforms such as pilot free trade zones, free trade ports and overseas trade and economic cooperation parks.?

- 我们将继续支持香港、澳门打造共建“一带一路”功能平台,落实好《商务部与香港特区政府关于推进境外经贸合作区高质量发展合作备忘录》。?

We will continue to support Hong Kong and Macao in jointly building platforms under the “Belt and Road” Initiative, and implement the memorandum of understanding between MOFCOM and the Hong Kong SAR government on enhancing exchanges and cooperation in promoting high-quality development of overseas Economic and Trade Cooperation Zones.?

- 截至2021年底,在境外经贸合作区中方累计投资507亿美元,上缴东道国税费66亿美元,为当地创造39万个就业岗位。?

By the end of 2021, China had invested US$50.7 billion in overseas economic and trade cooperation zones, paid US$6.6 billion in taxes to host countries, and created 390,000 local jobs.?

- 截至2017年底,中国企业在有关国家建设75个境外经贸合作区,上缴东道国税费超过16亿美元,为当地创造了22万个就业岗位。?

By the end of 2017, Chinese enterprises had set up 75 overseas economic and trade cooperation zones in relevant countries, contributed more than USD1.6 billion taxes to the host countries and created 220,000 local jobs.?

  • 跨境贸易 / cross-border trade?

- 使用人民币开展跨境贸易投资,有助于外经贸企业规避汇率风险、管理资金成本、实现稳健经营。 。。。 面对新形势新需求,无论是人民币在跨境贸易投资中的使用比重,还是企业对跨境人民币业务的获得感,都有较大提升空间。?

The RMB use in cross-border trade and investment can help foreign trade and economic enterprises to avoid exchange rate risks, manage capital costs and achieve stable operation.?... Facing the new landscape and new demands, there is much room for improvement in both the proportion of RMB use in cross-border trade and investment and the enterprises' sense of gains in cross-border RMB businesses.?

- 在跨境贸易方面,云南创新“互联网+边民互市”模式,助力边民互市健康发展。?

In terms of cross-border trade, Yunnan has introduced an innovative “Internet Plus Trade between Border Residents” model to enable healthier development of the trade type.?

- 加强跨境贸易合作,保障疫苗及原辅料贸易畅通。?

... we need to scale up cross-border trade cooperation to ensure smooth trade in vaccines and related raw and auxiliary materials.?

- 。。。完善产品服务,推动银行“因企施策”优化产品服务,更好满足企业多元化汇率避险需求,便利跨境贸易投资人民币结算。?

... improving products and services by encouraging banks to provide businesses with tailored, optimized products and services to better meet their diversified forex hedging needs and facilitate RMB settlement in cross-border trade and investment.?

- 习近平主席最先提出新冠疫苗应该成为全球公共产品。在此次峰会上,习近平主席又郑重提出“全球疫苗合作行动倡议”,包括支持同发展中国家联合研发,加大向发展中国家提供疫苗,支持世界贸易组织就疫苗知识产权豁免早作决定,加强疫苗及原辅料跨境贸易合作,依据世界卫生组织疫苗紧急使用清单推进疫苗互认,为发展中国家获取疫苗提供金融支持等6个方面的重要举措。?

President Xi was the first to propose that vaccines should be made a global public good. On that basis, he put forward a Global Vaccine Cooperation Action Initiative at this summit. It includes measures in six aspects: support joint vaccine R&D with developing countries; provide more vaccines to developing countries; support the World Trade Organization (WTO) in making an early decision on waiving intellectual property rights on COVID-19 vaccines; scale up cross-border trade cooperation in vaccines and related raw and auxiliary materials; advance mutual recognition of vaccines in accordance with the WHO's Emergency Use Listing; provide financial support for developing countries to access vaccines.?

  • 跨境人民币 / cross-border RMB?

- 近年来,在相关部门积极推动下,跨境人民币使用规模稳步提升。2022年,货物贸易跨境人民币结算金额7.92万亿元,同比增长37.3%,直接投资跨境人民币结算金额6.76万亿元,同比增长16.6%。面对新形势新需求,无论是人民币在跨境贸易投资中的使用比重,还是企业对跨境人民币业务的获得感,都有较大提升空间。?

In recent years, with the active promotion of related departments, the cross-border use of the RMB has steadily increased. In 2022, cross-border RMB settlements for trade in goods reached RMB7.92 trillion, up 37.3% from a year ago. Cross-border RMB settlements for direct investment expanded 16.6% year-on-year to RMB6.76 trillion last year. Facing the new landscape and new demands, there is much room for improvement in both the proportion of RMB use in cross-border trade and investment and the enterprises' sense of gains in cross-border RMB businesses.?

- 。。。支持银行积极创新跨境人民币金融产品,提供更加便捷、高效的结算和融资服务,更好满足对外贸易、投资和承包工程等多元化需求。?

We support banks in actively launching new financial products of cross-border RMB, and providing more convenient and efficient services for settlements and financing. This will help better meet different needs in foreign trade, investment, contracted projects, etc.?

- 此外,我们在近期调研中也发现,部分中小企业对跨境人民币业务了解有限、使用有限。针对这一情况,商务部、人民银行专门组织金融机构编写发布了《中小企业跨境人民币服务手册》,梳理跨境人民币主要政策,结合不同场景介绍相关业务及典型案例。欢迎企业通过商务部官网或微信公众号查询使用。?

In recent search, we found that some SMEs have limited understanding and use of cross-border RMB business. In view of this, MOFCOM and the PBC specially organized financial institutions to compile and publish a manual of cross-border RMB service for SMEs. In the manual, the main cross-border RMB policies are reviewed, and related businesses and typical cases in different scenarios are introduced. Enterprises are welcome to look it up on MOFCOM’s official website or WeChat official account.?

- 中国将为非洲援助实施10个工业化和就业促进项目,向非洲金融机构提供100亿美元授信额度,重点扶持非洲中小企业发展,设立中非跨境人民币中心。?

China will undertake 10 industrialization and employment promotion projects for Africa, provide credit facilities of 10 billion US dollars to African financial institutions, support the development of African SMEs on a priority basis, and establish a China-Africa cross-border RMB center.?

  • 请进来 / welcoming in (business to China, as contrasted to going global?走出去 zǒu chū qù)?

- 近段时期以来,很多地方积极组织外贸企业“走出去”,将海外客商“请进来”,一系列贸易促进措施的落地,大大增加了外贸企业拓市场、接订单的渠道和信心。?

Recently, many localities actively organized foreign trade companies to go global and bring overseas businesses in. The implementation of a host of trade promotion measures has greatly boosted foreign trade companies’ access to and confidence in markets and orders.?

  • 乙类乙管 / manage COVID-19 with measures against Class-B infectious diseases?

- 1月8日中方对新冠病毒感染实施“乙类乙管”,优化出入境管理政策措施。相关平台数据显示,部分海外热门旅游目的地机票成交量显著上升,海外酒店预定量大幅增长,与此同时,入境旅游、探亲、商务的需求也在逐步释放。我们愿与各方共同努力,为中外人员安全健康有序往来创造更好条件,为推动国际旅游业发展和世界经济复苏作出积极贡献。?

On January 8 [2023], China began to treat Covid-19 as a Class-B infectious disease, with optimized entry and exit policies. According to statistics, sales of plane tickets for some popular overseas tourist destinations have increased significantly, and bookings for overseas hotels have surged. At the same time, demand is increasing for inbound trips for sightseeing, visiting relatives and business. We are ready to work with all sides possible to create favorable conditions for safe and healthy international travels and contribute to global tourism growth and economic recovery.?

- 中方将新冠病毒感染调整为“乙类乙管”以来,少数国家对来自中国的旅客采取了不科学的入境限制措施,中方以最大诚意、本着实事求是的态度与有关国家进行了充分沟通,详细介绍了中方优化调整防疫措施的科学性、合理性和当前中国国内的疫情形势。但令人遗憾的是,个别国家仍然执意针对中国采取歧视性入境限制措施。中方坚决反对并有理由采取必要对等措施?

Since China started to manage COVID-19 as a Class-B infectious disease, a few countries have adopted entry restrictions on travelers from China that are not science-based. China has had full communication over this with relevant countries in a factual manner with the utmost sincerity, and has explained in detail why China’s adjusted COVID measures are science-based and legitimate and shared with these countries China’s current COVID situation. Regrettably, a handful of countries have insisted on imposing discriminatory entry restrictions targeting China. China firmly rejects this and has reason to take reciprocal measures as necessary.?

- 中国政府发布新冠病毒感染“乙类乙管”总体方案和中外人员往来暂行措施后,国内整体疫情已处于较低位流行水平,出入境人员数量逐步增加。

?Following the government decision to manage COVID-19 as a Class-B infectious disease and the provisional measures on cross-border travel, domestic epidemiological situation has remained overall stable and under control and the number of inbound and outbound travelers are on a steady increase.?

- 针对中国发布新冠病毒感染“乙类乙管”方案,我们注意到,中国美国商会、英国商会、德国商会等多家外国在华商会及部分国家驻华外交机构认为,此举有助于恢复中外人员往来和商务旅行,重振投资营商信心,恢复市场乐观情绪,中国将继续成为外资优先投资目的地。?

Beijing Youth Daily: Commenting on China’s decision to downgrade management of COVID-19, American, British, German and other foreign chambers of commerce in China, and some foreign diplomatic missions in China noted that this will clear the way for resumption of people-to-people exchange and business travel, rebuild foreign investors’ confidence in the Chinese market and contribute to restoring optimism and reinstating China as a priority investment destination.?

- 根据“乙类乙管”有关要求,中方相应制定并发布了中外人员往来暂行措施。这将为中外人员安全健康有序往来创造更好条件,更好保障对外交流合作,为全球经济发展带来更多利好。?

In accordance with the decision to manage COVID-19 with measures against Class-B infectious diseases, relevant departments formulated and released the provisional measures on cross-border travel. This will better facilitate the safe and orderly cross-border travel of Chinese and foreign nationals and international exchange and cooperation, and prove to be a boon for the global economy.?

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