The notion of an undivided life
The Mobiüs Strip is a 3-dimensional figure representing the endless intertwining of the inner and outer.? If you trace your finger along the path of the strip, you will at times be on the outside and at times on the inside.? The journey between inner and outer is unbroken.
I learned about the Mobiüs Strip from Parker Palmer. Truly, you won't regret the 6 minutes to watch his video on the topic. Here, Palmer describes the developmental journey of a leader. In particular, he clarifies a mark of maturity is living an undivided life.
Furthermore, Palmer develops his notion of an undivided life, like the Mobiüs Strip, in his writings on teaching. "We teach who we are," he asserts. Similarly, my lived experience suggests we lead who we are.
"Your Life Story is Your Leadership Story."
The Blueprint, Doug Conant
Ultimately, our leadership is completely intertwined with our life. Anything less is unsustainable.