Noticing Others
Today in A Daily Taste of Proverbs
“I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who lacked judgment” - 7:7.
It is easy to pass through your daily life and not notice those around you. Yet you come in contact every day with many who have needs and who may be depressed, in despair, or downtrodden. What's more, their current path is leading them to destruction.
Ask the Lord to open your eyes today to 'notice' those around you who need who you are and what you have. This may even be those with whom you don't have contact but "touch" through social media or technology. What can you do to improve their life's journey today? This is exactly what Peter and John did in Acts 3:1-10. What's more, Paul used the technology of his day--Roman roads and ships, papyrus and ink--to keep in touch with his world and encourage his flock. You can do the same.