Noticing the Iceberg
Terrence H. Seamon
Continuing on my journey to strengthen the resilience of individuals, teams, leaders, & organizations, that are navigating transitions to change.
What does it takes for a leader, a team, or an organization to really be effective?
Minneapolis area consultant John Persico published an interesting?essay?on what it takes for an organization to be effective. In essence, Persico says, organizations must become more self-aware. Especially about their own built-in blind spots. He says:
"...most organizations are blind to the intrinsic problems that underlie their failures."
He uses the example of the Titanic, the greatest ship ever made, unsinkable. Little did anyone think that an iceberg lay ahead. And that it could be lethal.
What is an organization to do? Persico offers seven good ideas, including listen to your dissenters. I'd call that one "embrace your difficult people."
Here are four more tips that I would add:?
Get feedback from others?- The Scottish poet Robert Burns once pointed to the value of finding out how others perceive us when he wrote "O, wad some Power the giftie gie us/To see oursels as others see us!/It wad frae monie a blunder free us,/An' foolish notion." The gift he refers to we now call feedback. Honest, clear feedback from a trusted source can help free us "from blunders and foolish notions" of our own creation.?
Ponder JOHARI?- Persico uses the classic?JOHARI Window?in his article to help explain the different domains of information that exist about ourselves. One of the great things about the JOHARI concept is how it opens our minds to the awareness that others know things about us that we do not know (the "blind spot") and that there is information about us that neither we nor others know (the "unknown" area). The process of increasing self-awareness includes pondering what lies in these panes.?
Take a trip to another country?- Have you ever experienced the thrilling discomfort that comes from taking a trip to another country? Especially one where you don't speak the language. Somehow or other, you have to confront the challenge to get by and survive. In the process of overcoming this adversity, you realize a great deal about Who You Are, and what you are capable of when pushed way out of your comfort zone. Travel is a great teacher of humility.?
Increasing mindfulness?- The Zen practice of mindfulness cultivates a tranquil attentiveness to the constant traffic flow of thoughts going on within us. The more we practice this mindfulness, the more we can step back a bit and establish a degree of objectivity toward ourselves. We can start to notice, for example, the triggers that set us off in some of our relationships. Or the value judgments we make about others. Or about ourselves. They key is to slow down and pay attention in the moment.
These tips, along with Persico's, are intended to help You and the members of your team to avoid disasters by becoming more self-aware. In so doing, you may be better equipped to spot the icebergs in the waters ahead.
About the author: Terrence "Terry" Seamon helps leaders and teams to become more effective. His book Lead the Way is intended to help managers become more engaging leaders.
Here is the link to John Persico's new blog, Aging Capriciously, a great title I may add.