Noticeably Bad Vibes
For whatever reason, I didn't exactly get a good night's sleep, and all because I was having some really bizarre dreams which were so vivid, I ended up remembering them after I awakened. They oft times have said that we end up on a dream subject which was triggered by even the most insignificant event from the day before. Well, after thinking about it this morning, there was absolutely nothing that had happened yesterday or the day before which had even the remotest similarity to those two dreams. Oh well, I guess I was overdue for one of those nights.
Most of my morning was spent balancing accounts and paying bills, along with running various Monday morning errands which included the delivery of an abstract for continuation at our abstract company. I also spent some time researching several homes I'll be listing this week, just so I could offer up valid suggested asking prices. I also received a call from an investor on the home on the 'in-town' acreage I have listed at 2708 - 19th St. SW , so I'll be showing that tomorrow in hopes it meets the needs of that buyer. From the information I'd already received from him, I'd say its features meet many of his needs. I did go back out and took more photos of that property today which I added to the ones I already had online. Gosh, I still can't believe that hasn't sold yet. We did get a low-ball offer on it, which was borderline insulting.
Last week I offered several pieces of furniture to the nicest couple, and today a relative stopped by with a pickup, and unfortunately those pieces were too big for one load, so two trips were needed. Not even a half hour after he left, I received a text message from the wife saying how beautiful they were and extra thankful for the gifts. It always warms my heart when knowing such things are being put to a better use. They did also mention that if I had anything else I wanted to part with, they'd be more than willing to accept. Little do they know, I'm already eying things that will be going more sooner than later, and they'll definitely be the first to be called.
When finding part of my afternoon free, I changed into my work clothes and headed over to my project to get another three hours of work done. I'm sure you must think I've got uncountable hours already spent, and likely you're right, but considering what it looked like the day I started compared to where it is right now, I dare say you'd agree that in the end, those hours will be considered well-spent.
Someone mentioned today they're likely not going to be voting this November, and only because she doesn't like most of the candidates who're running, which caused me to get up on my soapbox and start preaching about the precious right we have to vote in un-rigged elections. All I could say to her, was to do some deep soul-searching, and if she still has doubts about the candidates, then at least go and vote for the lesser of two evils. Right? My gosh! I still can't believe how many people are being duped by all the fake news that's all over our social medias. I've definitely come to the understanding that we must never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.
Another rather scary discovery I recently made, are all these elderly people who're glued to the Fox News channel which really isn't news, but rather Fox Entertainment which promotes conspiracies, just to keep their ratings up. Just this past month, I've had three women who're in that 90 year old bracket who are like maniacs when talking about our Presidential election. One of them I've known for a very many years, who didn't get away from me before I said, “You should know better.”
When visiting with a confidant about that troubled soul I freely and willing helped to get back on track from several serious health issues, I had to admit that every time I was in that person's over-furnished home, I'd start getting some noticeably bad vibes. At first I thought it was because of the furnishings and tacky decorations, but after I got hit with both barrels last week, I've come to believe that home contains some really bad juju, and now glad I'll never be darkening its door again. Perhaps it all comes down to a troubled house creating troubled souls and visa versa.
Tonight's One-liner is: To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul.
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