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NOTICE is hereby given that the first meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held at……….on………. the……….April, 20……….at................... to transact the following business:
1. To appoint the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company.
2. To grant leave of absence to Directors.
3. To note and take on record the report on incorporation by Shri .......................... and place on record the Certificate of Incorporation.
4. To take note of Memorandum and Articles of Association duly amended.
5. To take note of the situation of Registered Office of the Company.
6. To take on record the declaration of fidelity and secrecy by the Directors.
7. To take on record the interest of Directors in other companies/firms.
8. To approve the preliminary expenses incurred by the promoters of the company.
9. To appoint Managing Director and place on record the terms/conditions of the appointment of Managing Director.
10. To authorise Managing Director to register the Company under the Bombay Shops and Establishments Act, Maharashtra State tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act and other local enactments with the Government authorities where the Company is required to be registered and/or take licences to carry on its business.
11. To approve the share certificate form and authorise the printing of share certificates.
12. To authorise the Managing Director to take steps to make recruitment of Officers and staff of the Company.
13. To appoint Auditors of the Company.
14. To decide the financial year of the Company and the period of the first financial year.
15. To appoint bankers of the Company and to authorise officials to operate the bank accounts.
16. To authorise the Managing Director to incur expenditure for acquisition of capital assets such as office equipments including computers, furniture, stationery, books, vehicles, etc.
17. To appoint the Company Secretary.
18. To consider commencement of business.
19. To consider the proposal of designing and preparing the common seal.
20. To authorise Managing Director and other Directors to execute promissory notes, bills of exchange and other documents on behalf of the Company under the seal of the Company.
21. To appoint agents for the purpose of the business of the Company and authorise the Managing Director to execute agreements with them.
22. To approve the Investment Policy.
23. To approve the proposal to keep the books of accounts of the Company and copy of other statutory books at Bombay.
24. To approve the payment of travelling and other expenses to Directors.
25. To allot shares to the subscribers to the Memorandum.
26. To approve the form and authorise the printing of Share Certificates.
27. To appoint Committee of the Board to decide day-to-day affairs of the Company.
28. To consider any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
Please make it convenient to attend the meeting.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,