'There Is Nothing Wrong In Being Gay'

'There Is Nothing Wrong In Being Gay'

It is not a fan fiction rather my musings on the homosexuality spectrum as perceived by the show. Though, with a twist of Sociological lens.

So let's take the journey, shall we?

?Being a student of social science can be a bit of nuisance for a person. You have to unlearn years and years of ‘realities’ and ‘truths’ and feel like being left bare in a field of uncomfortable epiphanies.

Now! Now! Don’t get me wrong - stepping out of your familiar realm can be a bit depressing at first. Though it opens little doors of your mind, expanding your perspective. Still it seems dreadful, the sudden swinging forward of the floodgates of disillusionments, isn’t it?

Alright then. The first two paragraphs done. Don’t they look like contradictory to each other? A random rant of an apologist?

Okay. Let’s take an instance, a snap from the pop culture, maybe - In BBC’s Sherlock we see writers employing the speculation about Holmes-Watson homosexual relation ploy as a joke. We see people here struggling to come forward as non-polemical through the dialogues between the main characters - Watson stating that it is good to know his flatmate is unattached like him while immediately we notice that Holmes misunderstands and comes to rescue of his own sexuality, still 'clearly' stating that not that he have any problem with the gay community. Every so often after this, we see Watson going defensive, explaining to those who ask that he is a heterosexual and not otherwise. Nor the writers neither the masses, I think gave much thought about Holmes’s sexuality at least in the plot of the show, his sexual orientation being as ambiguous as it ever was. Thus recurring sequence of a ‘joke’ being established.

In another scene, where Moriarty is introduced as 'Jim from IT’ by Molly Hooper the same theme of gay is played. 'With that level of grooming’ says Holmes along with making the statement of 'underwear, very particular brand’ thus installing in the minds of the audience how a person of a certain sexual orientation should behave and look.

During a session at NerdHQ, Moffat addressed everyone saying that it is imperative for the different medias to be inclusive and represent all kinds of sexual communities.

From such a statement, we will get an idea of Moffat's liberal mindedness. Though, wait a mo’, let’s reanalyse the pattern of the show and his statement again. If he is being honest about taking the representations seriously, then why did the show portray the underlying wryness of the protagonists on being assumed as homosexuals or make the whole situation as a 'joke'? According to my opinion, it was not done voluntarily - we live in a world of contradictions, the heteronormative and patriarchal forces are not so easily do away with. Can we imagine a world where homosexuality is the norm and incorporate it with the 'joke' scene again although this time Holmes talks about him not being straight but not expressing any harm to the heterosexual community or for that matter a world without stereotypes were people can either adhere to binaries or not - Can we then imagine Sherlock pointing out to Molly, how her boyfriend is obviously gay?

We have Gatiss and Scott, as individuals who have identified themselves with the 'alternative’ sexual orientation and being instrumental in the composition of this show, but not - unfortunately pointing out such inaccuracies and instead being the every part of the stereotype.

As I said, the subterfuge is so through and through it becomes tougher and tougher to see the other side. Though, should we call this a culture of hypocrites? No, we can’t because in practicality we battle every day between our ideals and the mode of the society. This has been the norm for a long time, like we have the ruling party and its opponents in our parliaments, two opposing forces in a tug of war and even sometimes forgetting what they are actually fighting against each other for and overlapping their own agendas.

And for the last bit, I will like to put in is about my own-self - I am an ardent fan of the show, who follows all of its updates and happenings including the fan art and the fan fiction without fail. Does that make me a hypocrite myself whereas some may feel I am 'lampooning’ the show so harshly? Hmm, the only thing I will 'say in my immediate defence’ is that what I am doing is often termed as constructive criticism, if I say so myself. After all, nobody and nothing is perfect, we are learning and still evolving - May we never stop.

And it is a mad mad world and full of contradictions.

P.S. I added the last paragraph as a way to connect with other fans. It is my way of explaining that one can simply be appreciative of a thing without being completely blind to its various faults. It was necessary as being such is itself considered as a 'contradiction' in our society.


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