Nothing about us without us
She Speaks Africa - Southern Africa Region: Noting about us without us

Nothing about us without us

My name is Blessing Gwidzingwi. l am 19 years old from Zimbabwe-Africa. l wrote my Advanced level studies at Mukaro high school in 2021 and l got 9 points out of the possible 10 points for my chosen subjects. I am currently teaching mathematics, physics and ICT as a part time job to raise money to go to university and forge a career as a data scientist. In my spare time, I like to write essays and articles.

I am grateful for the opportunity given to me by The Amazon Leadership Initiative (TheALI) in the She Speaks Africa event where I got to meet with girls my age with same mindset and a passion for employing their capabilities for the advancement of humankind. In the forum, I learnt about the challenges that some of the girls of my age in Africa are facing, that include; home based violence, being deprived of the opportunity to go to school, being introduced to early marriages, lack of sanitary pads, body shaming and rape, among others, and since it was just the Southern region of Africa represented, it got me wondering how profound these challenges are in other part of the continent. I must admit, I was heart-broken.

From the discussion that we had, facilitated by girls and young women like myself, l learnt about how we can join effort for advancing the wellbeing of the girl child. This includes; holding more meetings and talks to empower girls, holding campaigns on educating girls about their rights as per the United Nations, making donations when called out to help girls, mentoring girls so as to take up new challenges and catapult ourselves to greater heights, raising awareness to families so that they don't depend on their daughters to bring finances into the home-through dowry out of early or forced marriages ,educating girls and young women on contraceptives, early pregnancies and sexual and reproductive health and rights; also when we have ideas and solutions to some of the challenges we see, to write to organizations like TheALI, Graca Machel Trust and WoMandla Foundation among others of our reach, as they are ready to assist in looking after the welfare of girls.


With so much knowledge that l got from the event, l managed to implement some of the lessons learnt to get out of my comfort zone and pave way for those who are coming after me. l shared the information with my friends who could not attend the event due to various reasons. l also got an opportunity to extend the talk with some of the pupils that I tutor. l researched about programs that help girls in my locality and l came across Pamuhacha (an NGO that helps vulnerable children who are below 18 years and HIV positive. It caters for everything about education and provides beneficiaries with all that they need for school). l am currently working on engaging this organization in the welfare of some girls in my community who are not going to school. l believe in the saying 'I am because you are and you are because I am' which to me means, l have to help and lend a hand to someone else just like someone also did lend me their hand.

I believe we all have a part to play in making each other's life better and we can all achieve our dreams despite the draw backs. Black Child, Your Dreams are Valid.



